
Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Tea Party, the liberal media and UK politics

Something just doesn't add up; some months ago the left-wing media (including the BBC) just weren't covering the US Tea Party movement at all, then they started covering them but ridiculing them and then the left-wing media moved to characterising them as a small number of racists, idiots and angry hillbillies. Fine but if these are just a 'very angry' minority, how come they have just taken so many 'safe' Democrat seats?

The reality is that the grassroots of the Republican party, not the 'hard-right' as I have heard them described, but ordinary Republicans who did not fall for the media's portrayal of Barack Obama as the saviour of the USA have partially taken control of their party - now can this be done in the UK, taking back the Conservative party from the liberals who currently lead it.

The polls have been showing the true unpopularity of the Obamamessiah for some months now but the BBC have been hiding this behind endless reports in favour of the 'first black President'. The fact that he's not black but mixed-race seems to always escape a media whose obsession with race and righting the wrongs of the past knows no bounds.

An exit poll in Kentucky said that around 41% of people were casting their ballot to show opposition to Barack Obama but the BBC couldn't even report that without provisos and excuses:
'Early exit polling in Kentucky suggests that strong anti-Obama sentiment is fuelling votes - around 41% of people claim they are casting their ballot to show opposition to the president'
Let's examine that sentence:
'Early exit polling' - Surely all exit polling is by definition is 'early'
'suggests that strong anti-Obama sentiment is fuelling votes' - Why 'suggests'?
'around 41% of people claim they are casting their ballot to show opposition to the president' - 'claim'? Reality is hard isn't it?


Anonymous said...

" the left-wing media (including the BBC)"

I'm sorry, what? The BBC is by no means a 'liberal' institution, it's bound by strict legislation to be entirely impartial. When millions of people are taxed for its obliged to be unbiased. I couldn't continual broadcasting, it's possibly imagine the public's fury if it was any other way.
Essentially, you believe the BBC is 'liberal' because it's pluralistic, tolerant and keen not to offend. Basically, they aren't arseholes.

The majority of other media outlets belong to Rupert Murdoch, who by the way, is a Conservative. You only need to read the Daily Mail to realise it's his filth.

No, I think you're coming from an American perspective, that's all. Here in Britain, we do not entertain the bigotry so often found on 'alternative networks' like Fox. Many Tea Party members are homophobic, and many are racist; so naturally, it's equated and despised in the same fashion as the UK's British National Party.

" have been hiding this behind endless reports in favour of the 'first black President'."

Have they? I'm yet to see such a broadcast.

"'suggests that strong anti-Obama sentiment is fuelling votes' - Why 'suggests'?"

Because suggest is synonymous with 'indication'. The number is 41%. Hardly a majority, so no terms of certainty can be used by the journalist in question.

Not a sheep said...

To Anonymous:
Wow, are you serious?
'The BBC is by no means a 'liberal' institution, it's bound by strict legislation to be entirely impartial.'
It is indeed meant to be impartial but nobody could seriously listen and/or watch its news and current affairs output and think it is impartial. Can I suggest you look at the evidence on this site, Biased-BBC and Beeb Bias Craig before you make such ridiculous claims.

'Essentially, you believe the BBC is 'liberal' because it's pluralistic, tolerant and keen not to offend. Basically, they aren't arseholes.'
The BBC are happy to offend those who are not amongst its favoured groupings; thus religious Christians are fair game whilst religious Islamists are not. Israelis are always attackable whatever the truth of the incident, whilst the Palestinians are all but untouchable.

'The majority of other media outlets belong to Rupert Murdoch, who by the way, is a Conservative. You only need to read the Daily Mail to realise it's his filth.'

I see a few problems with this. I don't think Rupert Murdoch's News International control a majority of other media outlets, but maybe you could provide the figures to prove this. However I doubt it since you seem to think that Rupert Murdoch owns the Daily Mail. I think you will find that yhe Daily Mail is owned by a public company 'Daily Mail and General Trust' who are not in any way 'owned' or 'controlled' by Rupert Murdoch or one of his companies. In fact the only newspapers that Rupert Murdoch is considered to control are The Sun, The Times, The News of the World and The Sunday Times.

'No, I think you're coming from an American perspective, that's all.'

I am English, live in London and have done all of my life.

'Here in Britain, we do not entertain the bigotry so often found on 'alternative networks' like Fox.'
Fox News is no more bigoted than the BBC, maybe in a different direction. Certainly there seem to be more off-message debate on Fox News than on the BBC. The big difference is that I don't have to pay a tax to pay for Fox News, I do have to pay for the BBC. If the BBC wants to spew out prejudiced propaganda then they should not demand payment from every UK TV owner.

'Many Tea Party members are homophobic, and many are racist;'

How do you know this, source please.

'so naturally, it's equated and despised in the same fashion as the UK's British National Party.'

Just as pre the US midterm elections the BBC and MSNBC in the US were telling us how much the Tea Party was despised, and then the Tea Party showed how much support it had, I think you might be surprised to know that not everyone in the UK shares your somewhat blinkered views.

'" have been hiding this behind endless reports in favour of the 'first black President'."
Have they? I'm yet to see such a broadcast.'

I assume that you are joking, the whole Presidential election campaign was full of adoring articles on the BBC by the likes of Matt Frei lauding the Obamamessiah and denigrating McCain and Palin.

I know suspect that you are either a troll or so badly informed that I won't even bother to reply to your last few points. Get a grip, read more widely and you might learn something.