
Saturday 6 November 2010

That might help to explain Newsnight's political stance

Harry's Place about the BBC journalists strike reminded me of something that I had forgtten about Newsnight's economics editor, Paul Mason; something that Harry's Place reported just over two years ago. Go and read for yourselves...

'I do not think that a BBC journalist would participate in three events organised by the BNP or BNP front organisations. I am suprised that Newsnight’s Economic editor – of all things! – feels comfortable participating in SWP events.


... the Socialist Workers’ Party: which in the past ten years has devoted its energies to promoting speakers from Hamas and Hezbollah, lying about their genocidal racism, and promoting the viciously antisemitic Gilad Atzmon.'

1 comment:

ArtCo said...

Hi Not couldn't see your email so ive posted it here

Think you may like my new blog its pretty much like yours in a way and mentions the BBC.

Have a look and let me know what you think. Lets have the bastards.