
Tuesday 2 August 2011

When is news not news?

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reports:
'The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns attacks launched by unknown persons on UNRWA summer games camps, including the most recent attack this morning on a summer games camp erected on the beach of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR calls upon the office of the Attorney General to open serious investigations into the attack which is a part of the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons, bring perpetrators to justice and publish the results of investigations.

On Thursday morning, 28 July 2011, a PCHR fieldworker headed to the scene and witnessed the impact of the attack on the summer games camp in Beit Lahia which was planned to be used today in order to break a new kite flying world record.

According to a press released published by UNRWA today morning, at 00:10 on Thursday, 28 July 2011, 10 men attacked and destroyed the camp which was planned to be used by UNRWA today in order to break a new kite flying world record. UNRWA noted that the attackers destroyed a big board, burned the UN flag and set fire in the stage. None of the guards was hurt. UNRWA condemned this attack and considered it as an attack on Gaza children as well as on the UN. UNRWA noted that they would repair the damages caused to the camp and would implement activities as planned.

It should be noted that during the summer of 2010, two attacks were launched on UNRWA summer camps by unknown persons. The first attack was launched on 23 May 2010 on a summer games camp on the beach in the west of Gaza City while the second attack was launched on 28 June 2010 on a camp in the west of Zawaida village in central Gaza Strip. No results of investigations were officially published with regard to these two attacks.

PCHR strongly condemns this attack which is part of the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons plaguing the Occupied Palestinian Teritory, and calls upon the Palestinian government in Gaza to open immediate and effective investigations into this attack and prosecute perpetrators. PCHR also calls for the publication of the results of the investigation into this attack and of investigations into previous similar attacks, and for taking a clear and explicit position towards the condemnation of similar attacks.'

On the BBC news... not a word. Somehow I think that if it had been Israeli soldiers who had attacked a Gazan children's camp the BBC would have found space to report the attack...
Yes Anonymous, before you start, I know this is hypothetical but I think pretty obvious.

1 comment:

Mike Cunningham said...

I am reminded of the news story where an Afrikaans-speaking South African saw a young teenager fall into a lions cage.

He promptly jumped in, shot the lion, and rescued the black youth.

Needless to state, the newspaper headline ran, "Apartheid-supporting brute kills black kids pet!"