
Sunday 14 October 2007

Just How Thin is Gordon Brown's Skin?

From Iain Dale comes this article that I repeat in its entirety because it might wind Gordon Brown up even more.

"Several people on the left have said to me in recent weeks that Gordon Brown has the thinnest skin of any politician they know. He takes any reverse really personally and cannot stand personal criticism of any kind, however mild. It sends him into a mixture of fury and depression. These are not good traits in a national leader. He is known to loathe George Osborne with a passion that almost manifests itself physically. After his mauling by Cameron at PMQs I suspect it's his turn now. An anonymous Labour person was quoted in one of the papers this weekend warning the Conservatives to lay off personal attacks on Gordon Brown, otherwise they'd be forced to 'play dirty'. 'It's what we do best', he added rather menacingly. I think it's called 'the new politics'."

Take a read of the Comments as well.

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