
Friday 15 August 2008

The Zimbabwe power-sharing talks

I'll make this clear for the hard of thinking - ROBERT MUGABE WILL NOT GIVE UP EXECUTIVE POWER. The news that
"The passport of Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was briefly seized today as he tried to fly to talks to end the leadership dispute with president Robert Mugabe."
should come as no surprise.


Letters From A Tory said...

Agreed. The notion of Mugabe sharing any significant power is so ridiculous that you almost laugh - until you realise what's at stake, at which point you quickly stop laughing.

John M Ward said...

I for one was not surprised. Anything and everything one can get away with, in pursuance of one's own ambitions, is the standard thinking and methodology of all such as Mugabe.

I worked in the Immigration Dept of the Home Office from 1974 to the end of 1978, and got to know a fair bit about this particular country and those who were aiming to run it post Smith. All I have seen, and all I have learned since that time is consistent with what is happening in Zimbabwe today.

Some things never change, especially tyrants.