
Tuesday 6 January 2009

The death toll in the Middle East

Here's a figure that you don't often see reported, courtesy of a relatively new blogger, Liberty, Mine:
"Did you know the total number of Israeli casualties since 14/01/2004 is 3,142 with 218 deaths. Not a figure quoted too often.

Now Israel is a country of just 7 million and we are one of sixty or so millions. We're about 8.5 times as large in terms of population.

If we were to look at those figures on the basis of population, the UK would be looking at 26,707 casaulties and 1,853 deaths. In just under five years. I know this is a silly way of looking at it, but the dead and injured in terms of Israels tiny size needs reflecting on."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cheers for the mention. I'm still very new to all this so thank you.