
Sunday 12 April 2009

The unanswered questions

The Damian McBride/Derek Draper RedFlag affair is still swinging along nicely but there are some important question that seems to be going unasked, let alone unanswered.

First; who, other than Derek Draper, was on the distribution list for Damian McBride's emails? I assume that Gordon Brown was very deliberately left out of the loop, "plausible deniability" and all that, but how about Alastair Campbell, Charlie Wheelan and Peter Mandelson for three? I assume that all those on the distribution lists, that will eventually be made public, will be happy to publish their contemporaneous replies expressing their disgust at the very idea and their clear expression of the view that this project was an appalling idea.

Second; there are many claims that Derek Draper is to be sacked from his position at the helm of LabourList. How can that be when Derek Draper has been assuring us for some time now that LabourList is totally independent of Labour Party control?

Third; apparently Derek Draper said of the ideas that "Some were brilliant and rather funny". Could he please explain which were brilliant, which were funny, which were both and which were neither...

Fourth; will Damian McBride be charged with any breaches of the Civil Service code for his usage of Government property for party political advantage?

Fifth; if Damian McBride has been allowed to resign, rather than be sacked, what implications does that have for his pension? Can that pension be reduced via the "Court of Public Opinion"?

More questions to follow...

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