
Thursday 7 May 2009

The same old line on contraception

The Mail reports that:
"A male contraceptive jab tested by scientists has proved to be as good as the Pill in preventing pregnancies.

The injection, which temporarily halts sperm production, was found to be 'highly effective' during trials.

It is hoped the research could pave the way for both men and women to share equal responsibility for contraception. "
Sounds like good news to me but the Mail then push the usual 'men are unreliable whilst women are always honest' line with this:
"However, findings from previous surveys have repeatedly suggested one stumbling block will be whether women would sufficiently trust men to make reliable use of hormonal contraception. "
Hold on a moment, what about the men who are 'oopsed' by women who claim to be taking the pill, what about the men who are 'tricked' into becoming fathers and a 18 years of paying child support. Maybe it would be for the better if both men and women took contraceptive precautions until they both decided that breeding was what they wanted to do.

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