
Sunday 10 May 2009

Watt's that you say? Gordon Brown is a liar and a bully?

I can hardly believe it, The Times reports the claims by Peter Watt, Labour’s former general secretary, that Gordon Brown has lied to the Country and is a bully. Apparently:
"“Publicly, Gordon talks about values and his moral compass, but actually the way he conducts himself behind the scenes is anything but that - it’s brutal,” said Watt, who played a pivotal role in the handover of power from Tony Blair to Brown.


He claims that Brown:

- Telephoned him to commiserate when he resigned, promising to “look after” him, but betrayed him within 24 hours by falsely suggesting that he had broken the law, triggering a police inquiry.

- Misled the public about the “election that never was”, the incident that shattered Brown’s reputation as a strong leader. “No matter what anyone says, the election had been called and was then cancelled. We had been working on it for weeks. We spent £1.2m in immediate preparations,” Watt said.

- Seized power by waging a highly personal campaign “designed to cause maximum damage to Tony” and force him out of No 10.

Watt, who with his young family has lived in the shadow of police investigation for the past 18 months, claimed he was just one of many loyal aides “hung out to dry” by Brown. “This is Gordon’s politics: when things go wrong you find someone to blame,” he said.


He said that Brown and Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour party, were both worried that the donor story was going to damage them. “There was huge pressure for someone to take the rap. I knew at that point that elected politicians were going to dive for cover. There was no way Gordon or Harriet were going to stand by me. They made a choice that I, at that point, was expendable.”


Watt was also closely involved in planning for the “election that never was” in autumn 2007. “No matter what anyone says, the election had been called and was then cancelled,” Watt said. "

Anyone who has followed politics, rather than the BBC's spin on politics, over the last 10 years knows what sort of a man Gordon Brown is and will rightly despise him.

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