
Monday 13 July 2009

On the BBC, the Middle East is all about Israel

Once again the BBC's obsession with demonising Israel is apparent on its Middle East news page. The top story is "UK cuts Israel weapons contracts" with the seubheader "The UK revokes five export licences to Israel's navy because of the country's actions during its recent operation in Gaza." and three follow-up stories:
"Probing war crimes claims
Gaza conflict: Who is a civilian?
Israel disputes Gaza death rates "

The number three story is an attempt to associate Israel with racism -
"Israeli trilingual road sign for Nazareth Row over 'standard' Hebrew signs - Israeli transport chiefs spark Arab anger with a plan to replace traditional Arabic names on signposts with Hebrew versions."
Note that the story is not as the sub headline would have you believe. The plan is not to remove Arabic from the signs but to have all three languages on each road sign (Hebrew, English and Arabic) all giving the official Israeli place name in their own script. I don't remember the BBC being outraged when Peking became Beijing or Bombay was renamed Mumbai; I suppose outrage is selective at the BBC.

Do read the BBC's Middle East news page regularly it really is an insight into the collective mind of the BBC.

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