
Thursday 12 November 2009

Another example of Gordon Brown just not getting it

The news faithfully reported by the BBC that
"Gordon Brown has promised to "tighten" the UK's immigration rules by reducing the number of professions which can recruit from outside Europe."
misses the problem by a mile. I, and I believe most others, have few problems with French Quants, Indian Systems Analysts or German T&M people working here and paying taxes. The problem, as Gordon Brown well knows, that I and others have is with the hordes of immigrants who are not working, earning decent money and paying tax but are on either low incomes or benefits.

It is only at the very end of the BBC piece that the real issue is discussed:
"Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch campaign group, said the prime minister's measures were "trivial" and that Mr Brown was "in deep denial" on the issue of immigration.

The co-chairmen of Parliament's cross-party group for balanced migration, Labour MP Frank Field and Conservative MP Nicholas Soames, said: "While the government is right to split economic migration from permanent settlement, it is clear that the prime minister misses the big picture.

"The points-based system has no limit, affects just 20% of immigration and will not stop the UK's population hitting 70 million in 2029." "

Gordon Brown is trying to shore up the white working class vote, a sector that he has previously ignored as the Labour party nationwide seemingly tried to create a majority of the minorities, rather as Ken Livingstone seemed to do in London. Just as Boris Johnson made a mockery of this in London, so hopefully will David Cameron nationwide.

1 comment:

increasinglymiffed said...

I'm sure all of this nonsense about immigration is to defend the potential damage from the Neather revelations. They are scared, and it's interesting that the only links that the BBC have made in respect of this is to the Nick Griffin QT issue.