
Thursday 19 November 2009

Gordon Brown hard at work tackling the important issues

I note that Gordon an "end to celebrity culture" has once again felt the need to modify his position on a deeply important question. Apparently
"Gordon Brown has admitted that he regrets the way he worded his recent criticism of X Factor duo John & Edward.

Earlier this month, the Prime Minister branded the pair "not very good" as he discussed the ITV1 talent show in a radio interview.

Speaking on This Morning today, Brown admitted: "I got into a bit of a problem because I said I did not think they were very good at singing - but they are very good at other things.

"I don't know who's going to win, but I rather burned my boats with Jedward."

After confirming that he would like the twins to "do well", the politician added that he and his young sons are supporters of the programme's last remaining female act Stacey Solomon.

Brown also said that his children enjoy Danyl Johnson's performances, but mistakenly referred to the teacher as "Daryl"."
I wonder how much foucus grouping was done to come up with an answer that compliments so many and plumps for the only female contestant left? This smacks of a repeat of "biscuitgate".

Meanwhile I heard yesterday that Boris Johnson when asked about who he wanted to win some reality show, or some other equally puerile question, replied along the lines that he didn't watch the programme and did that really reduce his credibility. Well said Boris; most of these programmes are utter drivel and any politician that desperate to appear one of the people that they pretend to like these programmes deserves nothing but disdain.

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