
Saturday 6 February 2010

The water vapour positive feedback system that isn't

The Man Made Global Warming 'mistakes' seem to be coming out of the woodwork almost daily. Tom Nelson has news of another:
"The global warming scientists, major climate research centers, the IPCC, environmental NGOs, and global warming activists and pundits have all claimed that the "robust & rigorous" climate models prove that when human CO2 increases, then global atmospheric temperatures will have to increase, which will then cause surface water evaporation to increase, that subsequently causes water vapor in the atmosphere to increase, which finally sets in motion a positive feedback system that causes all the previous items to even increase more, ad nauseum. Unfortunately, the "expert" climate scientists are now discovering those models might not have it quite right, since atmospheric water vapor is doing the exact opposite of what the climate models predicted! Gee, what a surprise."
Another Man Made Climate Change scientific 'mistake' in the modelling, I am shocked...

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