
Saturday 6 February 2010

Will David Cameron lead a 'Conservative' government?

Fraser Nelson wonders this and makes some very key points, including:
"To look at Tory policies so far, it is hard to see any great vision for society. In the draft manifesto, one sees several Labour ideas inserted like pagan offerings to assuage a god of war. We find Labour’s commitment to tax the richest at 50p; a pledge to protect the bloated NHS budget; a pledge to increase foreign aid spending by some £4 billion — while cutting the military budget by about the same amount. At a time of war.

If these are to be implemented, it is depressingly hard to work out what will be Tory about the next Tory government. Spending priorities will be roughly along Labour lines, the NHS will face less reform even than under Tony Blair. The spending commitments so far make it hard to see how the Tories could cut the deficit very much faster than Labour. And Mr Cameron even looks uncomfortable with cutting back the size of government, talking about it like something necessary only to assuage the credit-rating agencies. "
After 13 years of Labour misrule I don't want a 'Labour lite' government. Indeed the UK needs a dose of reality after 11 years of Labour profligacy, it won't be easy and it won't be pleasant but it is necessary. However I have severe doubts as to whether David Cameron is willing to be hard enough - more on this tomorrow...

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