
Friday 14 May 2010

Alastair Campbell's revised diaries


Now I've got that out of the way, let's have a think. Alastair Campbell publishes his diaries before the elction which he admits leave out revelations that might be embarrassing to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Now the election is over he is planning on publishing his diaries in full from next month... in four separate volumes. Why would anyone think that what is in this series of books is anymore 'the full story' or 'the truth' than the last book? Alastair Campbell was Tony Blair's Director of Communications and Strategy and was responsible for ordering the alteration of the 'September Dossier' to be consistent with a speech given by George W. Bush and statements by US officials. Remember that on 9 September 2002 it was Alastair Campbell who sent a memo to John Scarlett, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, directing that the British dossier be "one that complements rather than conflicts with" the U.S. claims.

I have no time for this man; he, Peter Madelson, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (along with others) have ruined the fabric of this country and in an ideal world would all stand trial for their crimes. Failing that I wish they would also just disappear so I never have to hear or see them ever again.

1 comment:

subrosa said...

Don't buy any of his books. I borrowed one from the library. It was so badly written and the plot line all over the place without a core base.

Mind you, being an optimist, I did read, or should I say scan, it to the end. Just in the hope that I may find it all made sense.

It didn't.