
Thursday 6 May 2010

Because having the BBC onside is not enough for Gordon Brown, he needs all the world's media

The Guardian's completely unbiased Roy Greenslade reports that: 'Gordon Brown has hinted for the first time at a possible conspiracy between the Conservative party and Rupert Murdoch's UK-based media divisions, BSkyB and News International

In an interview with the London Evening Standard's editor Geordie Greig, published today, Brown says:

When you look at the Conservative party's policy position on the future of the digital industries, and when you look at the News International policy position, they are very similar, and I think I would be very worried if I were any other media company...

You've got to be in a position that guarantees to the public
100% digital access, otherwise there's basic human equalities being denied to people.

Brown also registers his upset at being ditched by The Sun during the Labour party conference last autumn. He said:

What The Sun did on the day of my conference speech was to come out against me in the most deliberate way, so they could ruin any good impact from the speech.

But that was their decision and I'm not going to get into talking about any personal campaign mounted against me.'

Ah diddums, 11 years of an all but totally tame UK press: The Guardian, Independent, FT, Mirror, plus Rupert Murdoch keeping the Times and Sun pro-Labour, the Mail under the spell of Gordon Brown and even The Telegraph not being 100% pro Conservative. Over 20 years of the BBC cheering every Labour move and denigrating every Conservative and now that Rupert Murdoch has spotted that Labour are losers and has moved to the winning side (I hope) Gordon Brown decides to whine like the bully who is no longer getting his way, that he is.

Well boo-hoo Gordon Brown, boo-hoo Roy Greenslade and boo-hoo The Guardian who if the Conservatives get in to power are pledged to remove public sector advertising from their pages. Another reason to vote Conservative; you might kill off The Grauniad and help to right the wrongs done to this country by their espousal of political correctness.

1 comment:

Craig said...

How sour can Labour's grapes get!