
Saturday 5 June 2010

Dr Who - the Richard Curtis written story - Vincent and the Doctor

I have a very bad feeling about a Richard Curtis written Dr Who, if Andie McDowell or Hugh Grant feature I will scream and if there is any eco-loonery I would not be surprised...

No it's Bill Nighy...

Why is Amy Pond so pouty?

It's van Hhhhhoghhhh not Goff, ask any Dutchman...

OK nice idea using photos to identify locations.

Why is VVG Scottish? That accent is all over the place.

Great concept, a monster that the Dr cannot see - cheap special effect as well! Good for the reduced budget.

'That's the problem with impressionists, not accurate enough, wouldn't have happened with Gainsborough'

Nice bedroom scene painting gag as well as the sunflowers one...

Hold on 'riskier than normal?' Half the paintings on the wall disappearing against the 'end of time itself'!

Crap art gags...

Armed with 'Overconfidence, this and a small screwdriver'

VVG loves Amy!

Nice idea only being able to see the monster if behind you...

Matt Smith does have great eyes and expressions, I like this Doctor...

Killed in a confessional.. is that sacrilege?

'Amy, 'Rory''!

'I am really stupid and getting old'

So where's 'Amy's crack' this week? In every other episode...

But if he's happy he won't kill himself; does that not change time...?

'I'm not the marrying kind!'

Paintings missing...... because he didn't paint them and replaced by a crack?! No, I was wrong, time stays the same.... but where is the crack?

'for Amy' - naff!

No crack?

"If you've been affected by issues raised in this programme...?" WHAT!

And now the online game...

Mrs NotaSheep wonders 'Does the sonic screwdriver need batteries and if so what type?'

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