
Friday 11 June 2010

Vote for the white candidate

Can you imagine the fuss if an organisation, say the BNP, advised its members to vote for the white candidate in an election? So why is it OK for Operation Black Vote to declare that 'It’s Time for Black Solidarity'? On Tuesday Operation Black Vote said:
'With less than 24 hours OBV is appealing to all Black and Asian MP’s to nominate Diane Abbott, for the Labour leadership.

We urge them to do so to ensure Ms Abbott receives the required 33 nominations to be on the final ballot paper. Just by being on the ballot paper Abbott will ensure the race and gender equality become key elements within the leadership debate.

Even if those MP’s who nominate Diane went on to publicly vote and support another candidate the political point that race and gender matter would have been made.

Furthermore, it will demonstrate that a diverse group of Black and Asian MP’s can come together, as a group, whenever necessary and speak with one voice. Black and Asian leadership will have taken a quantum leap forward.

Diane’s chance has been given a boost by the possible withdrawal of John McDonnell MP, whose votes could transfer to Diane giving her a fighting chance.

Lets do something we often find difficult: show solidarity.

Simon Woolley

OBV Director'
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