
Monday 9 August 2010

A Labour success story

The Mail reports the not that surprising news that
'Just one in ten babies is born to a white British mother in some parts of the country, figures reveal.

The statistics - based on NHS monitoring of the ethnicity and nationality of patients - show a sharp contrast in the backgrounds of new mothers in urban and rural areas.

While white British mothers accounted for just 9.4 per cent of all births in one London health trust, the figure was 97.4 per cent of all births in Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust.

The birth statistics reflect how mothers described themselves, not the ethnicity of the fathers or the babies.

Across all of England's 150 NHS Trusts there were 652,638 deliveries last year, around six out of ten of them to women who called themselves white British.'

Last year we all discovered that mass immigration was not an accident but a deliberate Labour policy radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity" so well done Labour, well done, I am sure that future generations will thank you appropriately.

The true story of mass immigration into the UK during the last Labour government will be told one day, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it won't be the BBC doing the telling.

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