
Monday 9 August 2010

Lembit Opik and his new employers; some questions...

I Lembit Opik has got himself a job at Press TV, the controversial Iranian-owned satellite channel. Lembit apparently doesn't see a problem with working for Press TV, reportedly saying:
"It is necessary for me to work. I don’t see that Press TV is 'controversial’: that is to pass judgement and it is not for one media organisation to pass judgment on another."

I can only assume that Lembit Opik is unaware of the Iranian regime's vile views and actions as otherwise he would not have taken the job alongside such luminaries as George Galloway. So to bring Lembit up to speed, just last week the delightful Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is reported by Reuters as saying that:
'the September 11 attacks with hijacked airliners on New York and Washington D.C. had been trumped up as an excuse for the United States to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

Speaking at a Tehran conference, Ahmadinejad said there was no evidence that the death toll at New York's World Trade Center, destroyed in the attacks, was as high as reported and said "Zionists" had been tipped off in advance.

"What was the story of September 11? During five to six days, and with the aid of the media, they created and prepared public opinion so that everyone considered an attack on Afghanistan and Iraq as (their) right," he said in a televised speech.

No "Zionists" were killed in the World Trade Center, according to Ahmadinejad, because "one day earlier they were told not go to their workplace".

"They announced that 3,000 people were killed in this incident, but there were no reports that reveal their names. Maybe you saw that, but I did not," he told a gathering of the Iranian news media.


On Saturday, Ahmadinejad repeated his belief that the Holocaust had been invented to justify the creation of Israel.

"They made up an event, the so-called Holocaust which was later laid as the basis for the innocence of a group," he said.'

So Lembit, where do you stand on 9/11 'troofers' and the historical veracity of the holocaust? And if, as I would hope, you accept that 9/11 happened and was carried out by Islamic jihadis and that the holocaust did happen; then why are you working for an organisation funded by a denialist regime? Saying you need the money is of course not an acceptable answer.

Thanks to Harry's Place for the news story spots.

1 comment:

Grant said...

Scum like Opik will do anything for money.