
Saturday 7 August 2010

A MSNBC host is proud that "I busted my arse for Obama"

That's MSNBC's Ed Shultz having a hissy fit but also admitting something that no 'impartial' journalist should admit to.

I wonder how many UK news 'journalists' did the same for Tony Blair and/or Gordon Brown but won't admit it publicly?

Thanks to Breitbart for the spot.

1 comment:

Craig said...


Please check out this story about MSNBC accusing Fox News of racism and "nifty video editing" - and 'proving' it by its own bit of "nifty video editing"!!

The unedited video of Bill O'Reilly proves that MSNBC - not Fox News - is being dishonest and playing the race card.

RESULT: Bill O'Reilly (Fox) 1, Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) o

It's funny how BBC/Guardian types (such as Andrew Marr) are forever sneering at Fox News, but never sneer at the deeply biased MSNBC.