
Monday 9 August 2010

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and security priorities

Creeping Sharia reports that:
'The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has taken transparency to a new level.

First, the TSA posted its entire Screening Management Standard Operating Procedure document online. The posting of that amateurishly redacted document was followed by the posting of a second document with the same redaction flaw – revealing more TSA baggage screening policies.


The TSA website features a map and lists of locations to help terrorists determine which airports to avoid when planning to smuggle explosives aboard commercial airplanes. There’s also a video on CNN showing just how easy it is to beat TSA’s screenings.

Since terrorism isn’t limited to air travel, the TSA also lists other domestic U.S. locations where the scanning technology is used, primarily court houses and prisons. Might court houses and prisons be targets for Islamic terrorists

New budget requests are likely put 1,000 machines in the nation’s highest-risk airports by next year. However, body scanner screening is “optional for all passengers,” and this is due to the stealth jihad of Muslim Brotherhood groups in the United States (funded from outside the United States) – and was enacted to exempt the specific religious demographic that prompted the need for such advanced security.'

Read the whole piece and wonder at the dhimmitude of those who are meant to be protecting us.

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