
Saturday 11 September 2010

'Israel, Palestinian militants trade fire at Gaza border'

The above is a BBC headline for news that:
'There have been exchanges of fire near the Israel-Gaza border, wounding five Palestinians and damaging property.

Militants in Gaza have fired at least five rockets or mortar rounds into Israel since Monday.

Israel said it struck two Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip late on Thursday, but Palestinian officials said five people were hurt in four separate air raids.

Hours later, on Friday, Gaza militants again fired a rocket into southern Israel, a military spokeswoman said.

The rocket exploded in the southern Shaar Hanegev area close to Gaza's north-eastern border with Israel. Two days ago, a mortar shell landed near a kindergarten in the same community.

There were no reports of injuries or damage in either attack. '

Note the comma between 'Israel' and 'Palestinian' to try and subliminally link Israel's legitimate government and armed forces to Palestinian 'militants'. Note also the claim of exchanges of fire when in reality the Palestinians fire rockets at Israel and Israel retaliates. Note also that the firing of rockets is excused by telling us that there were no reports of injuries, so that's all right then; firing rockets at Israeli civilians is excused by the BBC as by Islamic jihadis by the line that all Israelis are guilty as 'Israel is a highly-militarised society'.

The BBC further inform us that 'The Hamas government has vowed to try and rein in the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip following Israel's assault on Gaza in the winter of 2008.' That would be the same Hamas that does not recognise Israel's right to exist, is pledged to destroy it and kill all Jews (see posts passim).

The BBC apologists for Islamic violence and cheerleaders for the destruction of Israel.

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