
Wednesday 15 September 2010

"There will be peace when arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews." - Golda Meir

Blazing Cat Fur has a story that brought Golda Meir's famous words to mind:
'I am a physician in practice for twenty years.

I am also Jewish. I have never hidden this from my patients.

Not too long ago, I had a Muslim lady, wearing a veil, bring a young child to me. The patient had been having long-standing bowel problems and was losing weight. No other physician had been able to help.

In one visit the problem was solved. The mom called to make an appointment for me to see her other young child who also had a health problem that other physicians had been unable to help.

Before I saw the second patient the mother sent me a long e-mail. She announced that she had joined an international effort to boycott anyone, group or business that supports Israel. She wrote that if I support Israel she would no longer allow me to care for her children. She went on at length about how the Israelis are oppressing Muslims and are criminals who must be brought to justice.

I replied that I do support Israel as a Jewish state. I added that I question the wisdom of any mother who would deny her children quality medical care based on her politics.

She then sent me a short email saying that I am arrogant and that the real reason she will not return is that her kids hate me.

In twenty years of practice caring for people from many backgrounds I have never experienced such a situation.

My Muslim patients used to be pleasant and religion was not discussed. However, in the last few years something has changed with many of them. They are now demanding that I act according to their view of things or be punished in some way.

This ideology is demanding power and will never accept "No" for an answer.'
I would have answered the mother's bigoted question thus: 'My political beliefs do not affect my ability to treat you or your children and are therefore of no relevance' but I understand why the doctor answered as they did.

As a former 'A' Level history student of the rise of Nazism, this does remind me of the Nazis boycotts of Jewish owned businesses from 1933 onwards. You can read about this here...
'On April 1, 1933, a week after Hitler became dictator of Germany, he ordered a boycott of Jewish shops, banks, offices and department stores. But the boycott was mostly ignored by German shoppers and was called off after three days. However, the unsuccessful boycott was followed by a rapid series of laws which robbed the Jews of many rights.

On April 7, "The Law of the Restoration of the Civil Service" was introduced which made 'Aryanism' a necessary requirement in order to hold a civil service position. All Jews holding such positions were dismissed or forced into retirement.

On April 22, Jews were prohibited from serving as patent lawyers and from serving as doctors in state-run insurance institutions.

On April 25, a law against the overcrowding of German schools placed severe limits on the number of young Jews allowed to enroll in public schools.

On June 2, a law prohibited Jewish dentists and dental technicians from working with state-run insurance institutions.

On May 6, the Civil Service law was amended to close loopholes in order to keep out honorary university professors, lecturers and notaries.

On September 28, all non-Aryans and their spouses were prohibited from government employment.

On September 29, Jews were banned from all cultural and entertainment activities including literature, art, film and theater.

In early October 1933, Jews were prohibited from being journalists and all newspapers were placed under Nazi control.'

Is it a case of history repeating itself?

Propellerheads & Shirley Bassey - 'History Repeating'

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