
Saturday 12 February 2011

Wind power in action

A video produced by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy's Smart Green Project (

'Which source of energy kills more birds, the Canadian oil sands or green-approved wind turbines?

The scorecard:- oil killed 2.5 birds per peta-joule of energy produced, wind killed 1,114 per peta-joule.
If that’s not bad enough for you, the oil sands killed a lot of ducks, the wind project mentioned in the video kills raptors – a far greater loss to local ecology.
Green good intentions meet unintended consequences, again.'
Why when oil kills animals the econutters are up in arms but when it is wind power, shhhhhhhhh?

Thanks to Daily Bayonet via Theo Spark for the spot.

1 comment:

Shina Willson said...

very informative and interesting blog.
Thanks for sharing:-)