
Monday 7 March 2011

British justice summed-up

The Mail report another case of a couple whose house was illegally occupied by squatters, it's disgusting and a decent Conservative government would take action to put the householder in a stronger position that they are at present. However the lines in the report that caught my eye were these:
'The squatters - from France, Spain and Poland - were given legal aid to fight their eviction even though the owner had to represent himself in court.

As they were EU citizens and unemployed, two members of the group were entitled to have a lawyer make their case for them before a judge.'
I am sorry, actually I' not, but this madness has to stop. The law has got out of balance when foreign squatters can get legal aid to fight eviction whilst a British householder cannot.

David Cameron: what are you going to do? Do you agree with the way the law is balanced at the moment; do you care about the hard pressed middle classes?

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