
Saturday 2 April 2011

The difference between 'abducted' and 'captured'

The BBC report that:
''Abducted' Palestinian engineer appears in Israel court

A Palestinian engineer has appeared in an Israeli court after being captured in Ukraine and jailed in Israel.'
The BBC seem most affronted that Israel have 'abducted' Dirar Abu Sisi, they are less exercised by the abduction of Gilad Shalit almost five years ago, this is all they say in this report:
'Sgt Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas-linked militants in June 2006'

Sgt Gilad Shalit has been a prisoner of Hamas, or a Hamas linked group, for almost five years and the BBC has barely wasted a moment to cover the story, something tells me that Dirar Abu Sisi will be accorded more coverage.

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