
Monday 4 April 2011

An interesting and relevant comparison?

Anna Raccoon is confused:
'Pastor Terry Jones burns a copy of the Koran, and Islamists respond by cutting off the heads of some of the UN delegation in Afghanistan. Islamists burn a symbol of our debt to servicemen and women, and we respond with a £50 fine.'
Underdogs bite upwards  is as well:
'If you burned Bibles the Christians would be offended. If you burned the Bhagavad-Gita, Hindus would be offended. These groups, along with Jews and Buddhists and the others, would tut at you most ferociously but they aren't likely to cut your head off. Have you ever seen an enraged Church of England guy? He might give you tea with no sugar in it if you really, really push him to the limit. Then he'll apologise. If all religious people were like that, the world would be an easier place to live in. All you'd have to do is carry your own sugar.

To kill people who had nothing at all to do with the book-burning is not the act of the offended. It is the act of the totally and irredeemably insane. This is insanity beyond any hope of treatment, this is melt the key and brick up the doorway time. Someone on one side of the planet, obviously a bit of a fundamentalist, burns a book, and someone on the other side of the planet responds not by burning his holy book but by cutting a totally uninvolved person's head off. How the hell can anyone, even a Socialist, consider that in any way a rational response?'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" How the hell can anyone, even a Socialist, consider that in any way a rational response?'"

As sure as night follows day, they will and ultimately it will be the fault of Christians and Jews for being so provocative.