
Thursday 6 June 2013

Theresa May: Beggars and thieves from across the EU are flocking to the streets of Britain | Mail Online

'Speaking last night, Mrs May said: 'We are already taking tough action in this country to stamp out the abuse of free movement, to protect our benefits system and public services.

'We will not allow this country to be a soft touch but this isn't just a UK problem - it will take the joint efforts of all our EU partners to tackle it.'

It comes at a time of heightened tensions between the British government and the EU.

Last week, the European Commission announced it was taking Britain to court for insisting migrants pass a 'right to reside' test before they can access some State handouts.

Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, is planning to defy the EC and make existing restrictions even tougher.'

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"We will not allow this country to be a soft touch" - Too late love...

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