
Tuesday 5 August 2008

"big brain and a good heart"

According to the BBC, the adulterer-in-chief Bill "give her a cigar" Clinton has said that our beloved prime minister has a "big brain and a good heart". Maybe someone should tell Bill Clinton that size isn't everything and that if Gordon Brown has a big brain then it is more likely due to hydrocephalus or raised intracranial pressure than to increased intelligence.

Why the BBC continue to pay such attention to the words of a serial liar and the second most incompetent US President of the last 40 year I do not know. Here is a summary of Bill Clinton's record as US President from Discover the networks:
"Clinton's presidency was marred by a long succession of scandals, including sexual harassment allegations, lawsuits, an accusation of rape, and, most famously, revelations that he had carried on a sexual affair with 21-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On December 19, 1998, after having perjured himself repeatedly before a grand jury, Clinton - on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice - became only the second President (after Andrew Johnson in 1868) in American history to be impeached, though he was not removed from office. In October 2001 he was disbarred from practicing law before the United States Supreme Court. He had previously had his Arkansas law license suspended for five years as a result of a disbarment lawsuit brought by a committee of the Arkansas State Supreme Court.... Of the 305,000 employees removed from the federal payroll, 286,000 (or 90%) were military cuts..... Osama bin Laden and his terrorist-related activities were well known to the United States by 1995. Clinton had an opportunity to capture him in the fall of 1998, but was unavailable. When he was finally reached, further consultation was needed with various secretaries. The two-hour window in which bin Laden could have been caught was lost. Says Patterson, "This lost bin Laden hit typified the Clinton administration's ambivalent, indecisive way of dealing with terrorism. Ideologically, the Clinton administration was committed to the idea that most terrorists were misunderstood, had legitimate grievances, and could be appeased, which is why such military action as the administration authorized was so halfhearted, and ineffective, and designed more for 'show' than for honestly eliminating a threat.""

In case you are wondering which US President might be more incompetent than Bill Clinton, the answer is of course the arch-dhimmi himself Jimmy Carter.

1 comment:

Letters From A Tory said...

Not the best referee to put on your CV, is he.