
Monday 4 August 2008

We are all criminals

This most vile Labour governments' dual track policy of criminalising as many people as possible and raising as much money from fines as feasible, seems to have moved on another level. It seems that householders who put too much rubbish in their bins will be subject to a fine of £110, meanwhile shoplifters and those "guilty" of drunken disorder will face only a £80 fine. I think we all know which fine is more likely to be collected as well. Environment Secretary, Hilary Benn, has backed these on-the-spot fines including for people who have the sheer cheek to put an extra rubbish sack out for collection next to their wheelie bin.

The Labour government want us to realise, like all good authoritarian governments do, that we owe our existence to them and that if we step even slightly out of line we will be punished. This is how authoritarian governments function, they punish and punish the responsible citizen for ever smaller infringements whilst allowing the underclass to get away with (figuratively and sometimes actually) murder as they will not pay the fines and the prisons are full. It is the same story for traffic offences where the legal driver is hounded at every turn of the wheel by speed cameras, junction control cameras, parking cctv etc. whilst the unlicensed or foreign registered driver can park where they like and drive as they like with impunity. Excuses are made for every criminal except for the generally law-abiding home-owner and car driver who are treated as guilty by default.

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