
Thursday 7 May 2009

The same old line on contraception (update)

Further to my earlier post I The Mail's Amanda Platell has added her opinion to the debate. Unsurprisingly her piece is headed "Why I'll NEVER trust a man who says he's had the contraceptive jab... and neither should any girl" and includes such gems as
"Men are wonderful creatures, but they are not to be relied upon. Even some of life's simplest things are apparently beyond them.


And, above all, you certainly cannot rely on a man for contraception. "

Complete rubbish of course and for a bit of faulty female logic you can't do much better/worse than this:
"But most important of all, you can't buck human nature. Deep inside every man who still has his own hair and teeth, and even those who don't, is a sexual predator who will have sex anywhere, anytime, if he can.

Of course, for many of them the sexual encounters are with their wives. But wife or no wife, the urge for sex with other women never leaves them. And I'm sorry to say that sometimes they will fib to get what they want. "
What has this need for sex got to do with contraception? If the man takes the injection regularly then what's the issue?

As for:
"The other major problem with male contraception today is there is no longer any stigma attached to 'getting a girl pregnant'. There was a time when the shame and responsibility were so great, a boy would have to marry the girl to make a decent woman of her. That was a powerful form of contraception in itself.

Then feminism came and went, abortions became increasingly available - as did the Pill - and girls started bringing up children on their own. But at least the fathers were still expected to pay towards the upkeep of their kids.

Now we have an entire youth underclass who will never get a job and will live their lives on benefits. Not only will the father not have to pay for the care of the woman or children, they will also stand a better chance of getting a council house.

The state rewards you for having babies and society does not judge.

In such a climate, there is even less incentive for the man to take the injection. Why bother if he faces no sanction if he gets a woman pregnant?"
Maybe Amanda Platell should take a look at the actions of some of the "fairer sex" and see how many women oops their male partners; maybe then she would think twice before making making such sweeping anti-male statements.

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