
Thursday 7 May 2009

What a surprise

The BBC triumphantly report that:
"The Crown Prosecution Service has said there is "insufficient evidence" for any charges in connection with David Abrahams' donations to Labour.

Three former Labour Party officials - Lord Triesman, Matthew Carter and Peter Watt - had been considered in relation to possible charges.

But the CPS said it had told all those involved there would be no charges over the incorrectly declared donations. "
Yes it's the old "insufficient evidence" excuse as seen in numerous labour party sleaze cases.

This sentence caught my eye:
"The Labour Party said it was still making arrangements for the repayment of the Abrahams donations."
I seem to remember labour claiming that the monies had been repaid at the time the story broke. Indeed the Sky News report today contains two contradictory statements:
1. "The money was repaid in full when the true source of the cash was revealed."
2. "Labour said it was still making arrangements for the repayment of the donations.

"The Labour Party put aside the donations in question in 2007 and will now seek advice about the best way to repay these donations."

Has the money been repaid or not?

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