
Saturday 6 February 2010

Thank heavens Gordon Brown is anti-'personality politics'

Following my earlier piece I now see in The Mail that Labour spin doctors and an acquiescent media are pulling out all the stops in an effort to make Gordon Brown seem a sympathetic human being:
"Gordon Brown wept in public this weekend when he talked of the death of his daughter Jennifer and spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser, who has cystic fibrosis - and his hope a cure will be found.

Mr Brown's wife Sarah, who was present, also sobbed in an extraordinary display of emotion when the Prime Minister was interviewed by Piers Morgan for a TV programme.

The candid exchanges, which took place over two-and-a-half hours in front of a live studio audience, are to be broadcast on Piers Morgan's Life Stories on ITV next Sunday."
Why is crying "an extraordinary display if emotion" for a woman who has lost one son and may lose another? It seems quite normal to me. What is extraordinary is that people might buy this 'look Gordon Brown is a normal human being and so should be re-elected crap'. Unfortunately the way the opinion polls are going it looks as though the 'narrative' is working.

F**k me some people are easily manipulated and frankly they deserve to be screwed over by another 5 years of a Gordon Brown lead Labour government. I however spotted the lies that new-Labour was built on before 1997 and don't want to see the UK dragged even further into the economic and social mire and so I will continue to speak out and campaign for the ending of this vile Labour government.

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