
Saturday 6 February 2010

Queasy reading about Gordon Brown

Very queasy reading material only read it if you have a strong stomach and a bullshit meter that goes all the way to 11.

How any paper can print bollocks like this in 2010 is beyond me:
"In his most intimate interview to date, he talks of his love for Sarah, the never-ending pain at the death of his daughter Jennifer, the real reason his handwriting is so bad and how he learnt his sense of duty and economic thrift from his parents."
Thrift? THRIFT! The man's wasted more money than I can even imagine and all but destroyed the UK economy. "Never ending pain"; I am sorry for his loss but what he has done to the UK dwarves that 'pain'.

But your bullshit meter may not be able to cope with this line:
"But I am not going to get into personality politics. It is not what I have done in my life."
Does Gordon Brown have no shame or sense of reality? 'Tory toffs' anyone? In fact it is instructive to google Gordon Brown +"personality politics" and see quite how often Gordon Brown has declared that he is against personality politics; somehow I think he doth protest too much.

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