
Tuesday 2 March 2010

"Lord Mandelson embodies what is a failed New Labour project. Media management is all that the project boiled down to."

"Lord Mandelson embodies what is a failed New Labour project. Media management is all that the project boiled down to. You cannot base a government on media management. You must base a government on values."
You can read more of Ken Clarke's trenchant thoughts on GordoN Brown, Peter Mandelson and the Labour government in The Mail.

Here's another extract:
"We are faced with the most extraordinary background to economic policymaking I have ever seen. Not since the war has there been such a need for concerted leadership and a programme of action.

Yet in this moment of crisis, from Gordon Brown and his Cabinet, we see almost total inactivity. They still seem to believe the complete myth that this crisis was some natural calamity which hit us, without warning, from America.

It is convenient invention for a government which oversaw appalling failures of regulation in the City of London, where, alongside Wall Street, the systems which allowed the worst banking excesses were allowed to go on unchecked."

I have some major differences over policy with Ken Clarke, obviously over the EU, but what we agree on is more important than that which divides us. Ken Clarke needs to get stuck in to Labour more, he is a big beast but needs to go on the offensive against Alistair Darling and Peter Mandelson more. The public want to know that the Conservatives care and are as angry as they are, so show it.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely.

Why isn't Clarke seething with anger? Firstly his economic legacy was appropriated by Gordon Brown who dishonestly claimed it as his own. Next his policies were abandoned along with prudence and the descent into financial ruin began. Why hasn't he been shouting this betrayal of the British people from the rooftops - whenever I hear him on TV he behaves so courteously as recently with Mandelson.

I think the British people a crying out for some passion from the Conservative Party; some passion that would inspire some leadership.

I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

I would argue that the labour party have been very effective at achieving their aims.

It's just that their aim was to grap power, and not to serve the country.