
Monday 12 April 2010

Will anyone ask Gordon Brown about this at the launch of the Labour party manifesto?

The BBC are really excited that the Labour manifesto is about to be launched and they are trailing, amongst other things, a pledge not to raise income tax. Now leaving aside for the moment that this promise doesn't rule out further rises in national insurance etc., what would be an interesting question to ask Gordon Brown is:
"Are your manifesto pledges promises or are they not subject to legitimate expectation"
For chapter and verse on the source of that phrase, may I recommend Trixy from Feb 2008 when
'In the court case brought against him for breach of contract over a referendum on the EU Constitution, Brown's personal barrister has just told the court that "manifesto pledges are not subject to legitimate expectation".'

So five years on from the last set of pledges and promises, many of which were broken, Labour are back with a new manifesto; I wonder which of this year's promises are actually lies?

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