
Thursday 8 April 2010

Prime minister Gordon Brown said there will be no rise in the basic rate of 20 per cent tax should Labour win the election

I hear that our 'honest as the day is long' Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has said there will be no rise in the basic rate of 20 per cent tax should Labour win the election. So that means one or more of the following:

* Increases in National Insurance which is Income Tax by another name for most people

* Below inflation increases in personal allowances

* The 20% basic rate will stay but a new 30% rate will be introduced at a lower level and in addition to the 40% rate

* Rises in VAT and applied to currently zero rated items

* Rises in fuel duty

* A new annual tax on the capital element of savings (not the interest, the capital)

* A tax on the sale of main properties (currently tax exempt)

* Rises in any other stealth taxes that Gordon Brown can think of

Yes I am so f**king happy that Gordon Brown has said that there will be no increase in the basic rate of Income Tax, that's really convincing and reassuring.

Mind you since this is the same mendacious c**t that promised us a referendum on the EU Constitution & reneged and that promised an end to boom and bust before leading us into the biggest bust for generations; I wouldn't be too reassured.

Hold on a moment isn't he also the same lying t**t that (alongside Tony Blair) in 2005 promised no increase in Income Tax and promptly increased National Insurance. Looks like he's trying the same trick again.

This is definite 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me' time - so get angry and get even by ensuring that Gordon Brown, Peter Mandelson and the rest of the Labour leadership have the smug grins wiped off of their faces on 7 May.

1 comment:

Grant said...

I am pretty amazed that they haven't introduced an annual "wealth tax" already.