
Monday 17 May 2010

The Euro out of favour with Germans but in favour with the Church of England

Whilst The Telegraph reported that:
'German fury at paying for Greek extravagence is turning into anger against the European Union, the euro, and Angela Merkel, writes Andrew Gilligan in Westphalia. '

Meanwhile A Tangled Web reports that:
'I wonder what the Queen thinks about the strange pro-EU service which took place in the nation’s church, Westminster Abbey, last Sunday.

The flag of the EU – a body which specifically refused to have any Christian element in its constitution – was carried solemnly into the Abbey in procession. An extract from the Schuman Declaration which began the whole EU project (not, so far as I know, a Christian document) was read from the Great Pulpit. For some reason the congregation were also compelled to listen to a Bulgarian folk song whose mysterious words include the line ‘If it is a boy from our village playing, I will love him only until lunchtime. If it is a stranger, I will love him for ever.’ Prayers were said for the European Commission and for the European ‘Parliament’. One declared ‘Lord God our Father, we affirm our commitment to the European Union’. A politically-correct sermon was delivered by an Anglican clergyman who ought to have known better. The EU anthem, Friedrich Schiller’s non-Christian Ode To Joy, closed the proceedings. Why exactly was this episode of power-worship, worldly utopianism and partisan politics permitted in the Abbey church where our Coronations are held?"'

I think I'm with the Germans...

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