
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Iain Dale's feelings about some of Labour's leaders seems to match mine

'The best thing about today is that is means that we finally get to see the back of Mandelson and Campbell. Yesterday they attempted to launch a pseudo-coup. Thank God it failed. Labour people were too sensible to be dragged along with it and credit is due to John Reid, David Blunkett and others for pointing out that it couldn't work.

Mandelson and Campbell are both very talented people. But they have presided over a culture of conducting politics in a very underhand manner. I may be naive but I hope things will be very different under the new government.'

Peter Mandelson's malign influence on British politics & public life and the power he seemed to exert over the British media, especially the BBC, has been a source of great distress to me for years. I hope that he will now disappear but somehow I think that he will be around and pissing me off for some years yet; presumably he is already cooking up a scheme to get his man installed as leader of the Labour party and devising schemes to win the next general election. I will not make public my thoughts about Alastair Campbell as I do not like to swear on this blog and swearing would certainly be necessary.

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