
Tuesday 18 May 2010

The John Bercow no 'nays' post

A Tangled Web wonders if there was a 'stitch-up' in the House of Commons yesterday:
'Just finished watching the latest stitch-up in what is rapidly becoming a worse Parliament than the one operating in Zimbabwe.

The place was the House of Commons, and the occasion was the election of a new Speaker. Sir Peter Tapsell, now the Father of the House allegedly for his long-standing service, but actually because he has never taken a hard decision in his life, asked the Question of the Members present if they wished to re-elect John Bercow as the Speaker.

He asked for 'Ayes', and a large number of voices called "Aye".

He then asked for 'Nay,s', but and this is where the stitch-up happened; despite a definite number of voices calling out "Nay", because I heard them, he proceeded to announce that 'the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it'. John Bercow is therefore the new Speaker of the House of Commons.'

I am disgusted that John Bercow is till the Speaker and I think that David Cameron will regret his lack of balls over this issue today. But then David Cameron has shown little sign of balls so far, I am not impressed.

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