
Sunday 16 May 2010

The Labour leadership election

So far just David and Ed Miliband have declared as Ed Balls wonders if he should, he wants to, it's his destiny, he's Gordon Brown's anointed one and he has UNITE's Charlie Whelan and the rest of the gang behind him but he is hated by so many. As I posted on Guido's blog
'Since Charlie Whelan has UNITE's votes and money, I would say that his man had a built in advantage. However if you want a proven campaigner, who has actually won a leadership-type election in the Labour party (and that's quite a unique title these days) then look no further than Harriet Harman. As she is no longer deputy leader and so no longer constrained by her mantra of therefore not running, could she really not run and leave the leadership position to 'a man'? I think not and what a battle this could be between the MPs choice David Miliband, the Union's choice Ed Balls, the wimmin's choice Harriet Harman, the compromise candidate Ed Miliband and maybe a left-wing candidate...'

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