
Monday 4 August 2008

Another broken Labour promise

The Labour government's promise that government plans for 300 super-surgeries, each housing up to 25 GPs, will not be imposed but agreed through consultations with local communities looks like being broken. Information gathered by the Conservatives under Freedom of Information requests shows that around half of the PCTs that responded said they would not consult on plans to build centres and some cited advice from the Department of Health as the reason for their decision. The disclosures show that just 44 of the 100 PCTs that responded intend to subject their plans to formal consultation. Six have yet to decide, while 50 said they would not be consulting the public. Several mentioned Department of Health advice that there is no legal obligation to carry out a formal consultation, and that it is a matter for local discretion. Others said they could not consult on something which was a Government directive, or that they had not been given the time to seek the views of the public.

Has there even been such a dishonest government as this Labour one and are they assisted in their dishonesty by a compliant media, especially the BBC?

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