
Thursday 13 August 2009

Consistency re terrorism

The Express reports that:
POLICE plans to quiz thousands of people in a seaside resort to check they are not terrorists were branded “Gestapo-style” tactics last night.

Squads of officers will carry out door-to-door interviews to weed out potential threats to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton next month.

Home owners and workers will have to produce passports, birth certificates, driving licences, proof of employment, and even provide the names of referees to show they are of good character.

They will also be quizzed on their religion to see if they have connections with Muslim fanatics. Critics said the “Gestapo” tactics were another sign that Britain is lurching towards an autocratic state.

Guy Herbert, of campaign group NO2ID, said: “A door-to-door search for those whose papers aren’t in order is the sort of thing that in the 20th century only the worst dictatorships did.”"

Meanwhile as I reported last month:
"The man who blew up a Brighton hotel in the IRA's most deadly attack in Britain has been invited back to the city for the 25th anniversary of the blast.

Patrick Magee killed five people when he planted a bomb at a hotel hosting the Conservative Party conference in October 1984.

He almost succeeded in assassinating the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher and killed government whip, Sir Anthony Berry, with his 30lb bomb."
I wonder if Gordon Brown and some of his Cabinet were blown up by Muslim terrorists during this year's party conference whether in 2034 the terrorists would be free and invited to commemoration events? What has happened to the British sense of justice? Or is it because it was "Thatcher" that was being targeted that the bombing is excusable to the touchy feely left?

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