A gay-sounding Donald Trump Very very funny!
Monday, 29 February 2016
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes - Karma Chameleon
OK fair cover version BUT that intro is the Buzzcocks Everybody's happy nowadays, isn't it?
Secondary school places for all 'undeliverable', councils warn per BBC News
The BBC manage to push a story about a shortage of secondary school places http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-35671570 without doing much more than blame the Conservative government.
There is no mention of 'Immigration' at all. There is a blend mention of a 'population bulge' but that's it. It's almost as though the BBC were trying to hide the negative impact of immigration.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Palestinian terrorist happy she caused death of 8 kids - because killing Jewish children is a matter for laughter
Video that the institutionally anti Israel BBC will never show.
Tony Blair biography reveals PM's conspiracy to silence immigration debate per Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail reports something that we pretty much knew already but is still something that the BBC won't report.
'Tony Blair presided over a silent conspiracy to change the face of Britain for ever with mass immigration, an explosive book reveals.He ordered his Labour government never to discuss in public the supposed 'advantages' of the unprecedented influx.But behind the scenes ministers were instructed to wave tens of thousands of asylum seekers into the UK under cover of their being 'economic migrants'.Astonishingly, the minister Mr Blair put in charge of borders ruled against deporting failed claimants because it would be too 'emotional'.Tony Blair presided over a silent conspiracy to change the face of Britain for ever with mass immigration, investigative journalist Tom Bower claims in his explosive new book
The main aim of allowing in millions of people was to make the country 'see the benefit of a multicultural society'. The Blair government did not see its job as being to 'control immigration'.The policy is revealed today in a Daily Mail serialisation of an authoritative biography of the former prime minister by Tom Bower, an internationally-acclaimed investigative journalist.'
Friday, 26 February 2016
Britain's Coming Home
£100m for Cameron firms: Vote Leave uncovers pro-EU financial incentives per Daily Express
More news you won't hear on the institutionally pro EU BBC.
'MORE than 30 firms backing David Cameron's campaign to keep Britain in the EU have received handouts from Europe worth £100million, it has emerged. '
"This Young Lady Perfectly Explains The EU Debate"
Well not perfectly but well enough to disgust Diane Abbott
Thursday, 25 February 2016
EU membership: The true cost to Britain's economy – and the unrealistic assumptions you need to make the numbers net positive per City A.M.
A fascinating read with figures and analysis that you won't find on the pro EU BBC.
Do read the whole article, here's how it starts:
'EU membership: The true cost to Britain's economy – and the unrealistic assumptions you need to make the numbers net positive
Many people are surprised to find that, back in the early 1970s, all the studies undertaken before we joined the then EEC pointed to a negative economic impact. This was due to direct payments to Brussels, alongside the effect of the customs union (common external tariff), which raised prices above world levels, most notably in the case of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
So the reasons for joining weren't economic, although Britain was "the sick man of Europe" at the time, and there was a sense that the UK was joining a more dynamic club (how times change).But the bottom line was that the economic impact would be negative.
Fast forward to the present day and what's the economic impact? In order to answer this question one needs to define what the EU is.In economic terms, it is essentially three things. First, it is a bureaucracy with people and policies. Second, it is a customs union. And third, it is a single market. Add these together and they should give us a strong indication as to whether or not the economic impact of membership is positive or negative. So what do we know?'
Read the rest here and pass the article on to those who get there EU reporting from the hideously biased BBC.
Renowned British Historian Simon Schama agrees with me that Anti-Semitism Causes Anti-Zionism not the other way around
For years I have been arguing that many hate Israel because of the Jews, not Jews because of Israel.
It would seem that the eminent British historian Simon Schama has come to a similar conclusion.
'The antipathy displayed by many on the Left towards Israel is not an example of anti-Zionism morphing into anti-Semitism, but a sign that anti-Zionism is caused by anti-Semitism, the distinguished British historian Simon Schama argued in the Financial Times Friday.'
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
'I am happy so much!' Russian schoolboy, 16, wins competition to spend a month living with his favourite PORN Star per The Sun
'A RUSSIAN schoolboy has won a month living with a porn star as a prize in an online competition.
Ruslan Schedrin, 16, was ecstatic when he was told he will spend four weeks in a hotel with Ekaterina Makarova.'
If his mum takes this prize away from him then he won't thank her!
EU reforms 'not legally binding' - Michael Gove reports BBC News
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35646004 Michael Gove's claim and David Cameron's response but don't actually say who is correct. Wouldn't that be the correct thing for an unbiased news organisation?
'David Cameron's EU reforms are not legally binding and could be overturned by European judges, Justice Secretary Michael Gove has told the BBC.Mr Gove - one of five cabinet ministers campaigning for the UK to quit the EU - told the BBC the European Court of Justice was "not bound" by the PM's agreement until treaties are changed.The PM has said the package is "already legally binding and irreversible".It could only be overturned by all EU states including the UK, he says.'
So who's correct?
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Where does the EU money go?
Can someone tell me where does £55 million of our money go every day.
Yes we get £21 million back in rebates. Rebates that the EU mostly tell us how we must spend.
So £34 million net goes to the EU. Could someone give me a breakdown as to where this money goes in the EU and who is spending this money.
Any audited figures available?
"Who are you?" - Conservative MP berates Jeremy Corbyn who just stands there, no response
In this piece of video Jeremy Corbyn reminds me of a particularly inept geography teacher who's no control of the class and is heading out of the school...
Col. Richard Kemp Testifies at U.N. on the IDF (israeli defence forces)
"The IDF did more to protect the rights of civilians, in a combat zone, than any other army in history".
An unpopular truth, but a truth nonetheless.
Tony Benn - Democracy in Europe from 2007
I didn't agree with Tony Benn about much, but on the EU and it's lack of democracy he was spot on.
George Galloway making friends as usual on The Daily Politics
"You're not my judge, you're not fit to be my judge. "
Adding George Galloway to part of the LEAVE campaign was a huge error. If it was a cynical calculation that his personal vote would outweigh those who rightly detest this man, then it was a moral mistake.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Tube trains 'targeted by anti-Israel poster campaign' per Jewish News
This story of the idiocy and hatred of BDS campaigners http://www.jewishnews.co.uk/tube-trains-targeted-by-anti-israel-poster-campaign/ has one line that really points out how delusional many of the BDS people are:
'Another asks why BBC reporting is biased in favour of Israel... '
Anyone who thinks the BBC's reporting is biased in favour of Israel has a severe problem with reality.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
What you won't hear mentioned about David Cameron's EU 'victory'
The UK now has a new obligation "not to impede the implementation of legal acts directly linked to the functioning of the euro area and shall refrain from measures which could jeopardise the attainment of the objectives of EMU."
The mirror of this provision, designed to protect UK, is weaker.
Will David Cameron and George Osborne be asked to explain the UK's new obligations to euro zone? What do they entail? Will the pro EU BBC ask the question?
Saturday, 20 February 2016
John Cooper Clarke supports Michael Gove, on rote learning anyway.
Not what BBC's Newsnight would have wanted to hear...
Friday, 19 February 2016
Geri Halliwell Nipple Slip - NSFW - A Friday Rule 5 Post
It's exactly what it says... Geri Halliwell Nipple Slip
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Belgian Police Find Video of Nuclear Official at Home of Terrorism Suspect -per NYTimes.com
The New York Times http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/19/world/europe/belgium-nuclear-official-video-paris-attacks.html?referer=http://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/02/belgian-police-find-video-of-nuclear-official-at-home-of-jihad-terror-suspect report something that the BBC won't...
' The police in Belgium have retrieved 10 hours of video footage of a Belgian nuclear official from the home of a suspect in the November Paris attacks, Thierry Werts, a spokesman for Belgium's federal prosecutor, said on Thursday.A person close to the investigation, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the footage indicated that a terrorist network involved in the coordinated attacks on Nov. 13 that left 130 dead may also have intended to obtain radioactive material for terrorist purposes.'
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
How to Avoid Israeli Brutality
How to avoid Israeli brutality, quite simple...
What the BBC aren't telling you about appointing people to the Supreme Court of the USA
Don't expect the BBC to report any of the above, about appointing people to the Supreme Court of the USA, after all there's the 'liberal' agenda to further. For 'liberal' you can, of course, read very illiberal.
Thanks to Theo Spark for the spots.
The BBC censoring the news that doesn't fit their agenda - again
Yesterday I heard that the front-man of the Eagles of Death Metal band that had been playing at the Bataclan when it was attacked by Islamist terrorists had said that it wouldn't have happened if everyone had been armed. My immediate thought was, well the BBC won't like that, how will they report it?
The answer was simpler than I thought, they haven't reported his words at all. This BBC piece reports on the return of Jesse Hughes and the Eagles of Death Metal to Paris. The article includes plenty of 'peace and love' messages but nothing about his views on gun control.
Oddly the equally left-wing Guardian newspaper manages to report Jesse Hughes' views in their piece. Here's how that article starts:
The Guardian tell us more:
Now why could the BBC not report Jesse Hughes' views? Are they so wedded to being pro gun-control that any contrary views by someone that the public might feel sympathy for cannot be reported? Do they care so little for impartial reporting at the BBC?
If you read a bit further down The Guardian's article another interesting fact is revealed:
Jesse Hughes, the front man of Eagles of Death Metal is a supporter of Donald Trump - I don't think an invitation to appear on the Question Time panel will be arriving any time soon.
The BBC allegedly unbiased by charter but in reality biased by nature.
The answer was simpler than I thought, they haven't reported his words at all. This BBC piece reports on the return of Jesse Hughes and the Eagles of Death Metal to Paris. The article includes plenty of 'peace and love' messages but nothing about his views on gun control.
Oddly the equally left-wing Guardian newspaper manages to report Jesse Hughes' views in their piece. Here's how that article starts:
'The frontman of the Eagles of Death Metal, the band that was performing at the Bataclan theatre in Paris when 90 people were murdered by terrorists last year, has remembered his terror at encountering a gunman backstage – and argued for universal access to guns.'
The Guardian tell us more:
'Vocalist-guitarist Jesse Hughes, who is a long-time advocate for access to gun ownership, told the French television station iTélé in a 19-minute, at times tearful interview on Monday that restrictions on guns in France had helped to enable the terrorists.
Asked if his views on gun control had changed after the terror attacks, the member of America’s National Rifle Association said gun control “doesn’t have anything to do with it”.
“Did your French gun control stop a single fucking person from dying at the Bataclan? And if anyone can answer yes, I’d like to hear it, because I don’t think so. I think the only thing that stopped it was some of the bravest men that I’ve ever seen in my life charging head-first into the face of death with their firearms.'
Now why could the BBC not report Jesse Hughes' views? Are they so wedded to being pro gun-control that any contrary views by someone that the public might feel sympathy for cannot be reported? Do they care so little for impartial reporting at the BBC?
If you read a bit further down The Guardian's article another interesting fact is revealed:
'In separate comments to Agence France-Presse, Hughes, a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said: “I don’t go anywhere in America without a gun anymore. That sucks. And I’m not paranoid. I’m not a cowboy... but I want to be prepared.”'
Jesse Hughes, the front man of Eagles of Death Metal is a supporter of Donald Trump - I don't think an invitation to appear on the Question Time panel will be arriving any time soon.
The BBC allegedly unbiased by charter but in reality biased by nature.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Student Labour leader quits amid antisemitism claims per The Jewish Chronicle
This JC report is a must read, here's an extract:
'The co-chair of a leading student Labour group has quit amid accusations that colleagues "have some kind of problem with Jews".Alex Chalmers said he was leaving the "poisonous" Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) after it endorsed Israel Apartheid Week, due to take place next week.Mr Chalmers claimed fellow students had expressed "solidarity" with Hamas and had claimed accusations of antisemitism were "just the Zionists crying wolf"....In a lengthy Facebook post published following his resignation on Monday evening, Mr Chalmers wrote that he had invested "an extraordinary amount of time, energy, and emotion" in the club.
But it had become "increasingly riven by factional splits, and despite its avowed commitment to liberation, the attitudes of certain members of the club towards certain disadvantaged groups was becoming poisonous".Students had used the term "Zio" with "casual abandon" he wrote.They had also expressed "their 'solidarity' with Hamas and explicitly defending their tactics of indiscriminately murdering civilians".Mr Chalmers claimed one colleague had claimed that "most accusations of antisemitism are just the Zionists crying wolf"."A large proportion of both OULC and the student left in Oxford more generally have some kind of problem with Jews," he added.'
It will be interesting to see if the BBC report this story. What am I saying...
PIE and the Labour Party
News from The Times that you won't see reported on the Labour supporting BBC:
'Fury as paedophile campaigner is allowed to join Labour partyA notorious paedophile who once campaigned for sex with children to be legalised has been allowed to join the Labour party.Tom O'Carroll, former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie), is understood to have joined after the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader in September.Pie was formed in 1974 to campaign for a change in the law. O'Carroll was jailed in 1981 for "corrupting public morals" and again in 2006 for distributing indecent images of children.'
Now where have I heard about PIE and the Labour Party before? Maybe the BBC could investigate, maybe not...
EU referendum: David Cameron’s deal is – in legal terms – not worth the paper it’s printed on per City A.M.
A fascinating article in today's City AM that you should read in full.
'When David Cameron set out his plans for a renegotiation followed by a referendum in his Bloomberg Speech three years ago, he said the best way to give effect to the outcome would be a new EU Treaty. Government ministers promised they would secure that before the referendum. They have failed to do so.
Why does this matter? Because any promised changes which are not contained in a new Treaty will not be worth the paper they are written on. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has made clear that the EU Treaties can only be changed by a new EU Treaty. This must be ratified by every member state in accordance with its constitution. Some might have to hold referendums. We would not know the result until several years after we voted.The government contends that a promise to change the Treaties after the poll can be legally binding. That is not the case. The former director general of the Legal Service of the Council of the European Union, Jean-Claude Piris, has said that the notion of a binding promise to change the Treaties in the future is "bullshit". Sir Konrad Schiemann, the UK's former judge in the ECJ, agrees with him.'
Why is David Cameron misleading the British public? Why are other MPs and ex MPs happy to go along with this? Why are the supposedly unbiased BBC not interested in reporting the facts?
Monday, 15 February 2016
The 2015 Dishonest Reporter of the Year: Why the BBC Won per HonestReporting
That the institutionally anti Israel BBC won this award is no surprise...
'... the BBC's treatment of Israel is part of a wider institutional problem afflicting the news department, which is widely perceived to be biased when it comes to any number of issues that don't conform to a liberal or left-wing perspective that dominates the BBC's thinking.'
Sunday, 14 February 2016
My Name is Tallulah from the Bugsy Malone Soundtrack
Jodie Foster was on TV in The Silence of the Lambs last night, here she is in a lighter role...
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Peter Sellers on the Michael Parkinson show back in 1974
Peter Sellers on the Michael Parkinson show back in 1974; happier, simpler time.
Friday, 12 February 2016
David Bowie sings the Joy Division classic "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
Apparently - "A chance meeting in 1983 had David Bowie, Bernard Sumner and Peter Hook chatting away over beers in the Kings Arms in Salford. "...So we were all there just having a laugh and we joked that he should come n have a jam with us, then next minute - well, it was the next day actually, but i didn't expect he'd definitely come by - and we were in the practice rooms and we were playing Love Will Tear Us Apart and i was like, f%$K we're playing Love Will Tear Us Apart with David Bowie singing, this is crazy. We never released it - Bowie took a recording of it, and just layered some more vocals on for fun, sent it back to me..." - Bernard Sumner. N.B. I do not own the rights to this song - no copyright infringement"
Wow, simply incredible... Actually literally 'incredible' as this is a fake, a hoax, but a good one!
Was Ohio Restaurant Targeted In Machete Attack over Israel? Per PJ Media
PJ Media https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2016/02/12/was-ohio-restaurant-targeted-in-machete-attack-over-israel/ report something of interest:
'A suspect who attacked patrons and staff at the Nazareth Restaurant in Columbus, Ohio with a machete last night was shot and killed by police minutes later, and some indications that the attack may have been motivated by the owner's Israeli heritage.'
Apparently the suspect has been identified as a Mohammed Barry, a man of Somali heritage. This would explain why the institutionally anti Israel BBC are not reporting this news.
BBC: "Bureaucratic, Arrogant and Introspective" Say MPs
A fascinating article at the TV Licensing blog http://tv-licensing.blogspot.sg/2016/02/bbc-bureaucratic-arrogant-and.html reveals something that the BBC have oddly not revealed.
'The House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee has slammed the BBC as "arrogant" and "lacking transparency" in its first report reviewing the broadcaster's Royal Charter.The 65-page document concluded that the broadcaster's governing body, the BBC Trust, had lost the public's confidence and should be replaced by a new unitary board with an independent head.Jessie Norman, Chairman of the Select Committee, said: "The new board needs to address a culture within the BBC that has been widely described as bureaucratic, arrogant and introspective."The report condemned the underhand manner in which former BBC Director of Television, Danny Cohen, orchestrated a 29-signature lobbying letter ahead of Charter renewal."The BBC's website ran, and continues to run, the (lobbying) story as an independent piece of news, without any disclosure in it of the BBC's own coordinating role," said the report."Even after a public newspaper investigation and questions from this Committee revealed the truth, the BBC did not put out an online clarification to this story. The Director-General (Lord Hall) argued that this was simply a case of BBC staff speaking up on behalf of the BBC, when it clearly was not. The Chair of the BBC Trust (Rona Fairhead) refused to accept that the BBC had been in any way at fault on this issue."
The BBC rarely accept that they have been at fault, are often arrogant and let's not start on their hiding of the Balen Report that would have revealed the extent of their institutional anti Israel bias.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
The new Top Gear line-up is too long
Six is just too many presenters, the old Top Gear managed with three. Maybe it's an admission that each of the new set is worth only half of a Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond or James May.
The new six are the very tiresome Chris Evans, the funny in Episodes and very personable Matt Le Blanc, the Formula 1 commentator and ex team boss Eddie Jordan, the German racing driver (and Queen of the Nurburgring) Sabine Schmidt, the motoring journalist Chris Harris and the TV presenter Rory Reid.
Too many by far. I predict at least two of these won't make it to the next series.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
French resident of Calais speak on the effects of the illegal immigrants
"France is no longer for the French, it is for 'the others'. The French just pay."
This is just one of the voices from invaded Europe that the BBC and other left-wing pro-immigration media will not air.
This is just one of the voices from invaded Europe that the BBC and other left-wing pro-immigration media will not air.
Music video incites Palestinians to blow up Jews in buses
This conclusion is from Elder Of Ziyon
'Make no mistake - the vast majority of Palestinians support the depraved message of videos like this, both explicitly and implicitly, by refusing to say a single negative word about them. And that is a message that Western media and politicians simply refuse to acknowledge.'
You can read the whole piece and see the music video here http://elderofziyon.blogspot.co.il/2016/02/music-video-incites-palestinians-to.html but you won't see or hear anything about this on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
Mock the Week - Things A Sports Commentator Would Never Say
Because I need a laugh this morning
Study proves urban heat islands exist, even in the Arctic per Watts Up With That?
The BBC often report that temperatures in the Arctic are rising, but are they really?
Watts Up With That have an interesting report http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/10/study-proves-urban-heat-islands-exist-even-in-the-arctic/
'A novel form of the "urban heat island" effect might contribute to why the far north is warming faster than the rest of the globe, a study of five Arctic cities finds.Sunlight can heat dense building materials. When night falls, buildings will release some of their solar energy into the air. This helps explain why urban centers tend to be a few degrees warmer than nearby rural areas."We decided that our Russian Arctic cities should also show this phenomenon," says Mikhail Varentsov, a climatologist at Lomonosov Moscow State University. But indoor heating — not the sun — would be the major heat source, at least in winter, when the sun shines little if at all. To test that idea, he and colleagues set up weather stations to collect data in the five cities north of the ArcticCircle for about a week during the polar night (with 24 hours of darkness). Apatity, with a population of about 59,000, showed the strongest effect. Its city center was up to 10 degrees Celsius warmer than outlying areas. Murmansk, with more than 300,000 residents, showed a similar, but smaller, in-town increase of about 3 degrees Celsius. Varentsov shared his team's findings January 28 at the international Arctic Frontiers conference.'
Fascinating and definitely not what the warmists at the BBC will report.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Angus Dalgleish warns health tourist migrants are leaving the NHS at breaking point per Daily Mail Online
Something you won't see or hear reported by the pro unlimited immigration BBC.
'The NHS has been left 'on its knees' by uncontrolled migration from the EU, a leading cancer expert will warn tomorrow.Professor Angus Dalgleish, the principal of the Cancer Vaccine Institute, says the NHS is being bled dry of resources by health tourists denied care at home.Cancer treatment can cost £200,000 and, under Brussels rules, Britain has to offer it to all EU nationals.Professor Dalgleish says this partly explains the NHS's £3billion deficit. He will also claim the Government has hindered progress into key disease areas 'by blindly adhering to EU directives'.'Our membership of the EU is putting an intolerable strain on our NHS,' Professor Dalgleish, a melanoma expert of global renown, will tell a conference.'The NHS is on its knees and could collapse completely. NHS Trusts were not prepared for the millions of EU migrants who have poured into Britain because the Government estimate was nowhere near the reality.'
Douglas Murray Reacts to Liberal Hypocrisy on Islam
Douglas Murray reacts to Liberal Hypocrisy, a must watch piece of video.
Monday, 8 February 2016
In the Safe Spaces on Campus, No Jews Allowed per The Tower
This article is a must read here's a small extract.
'Over the course of what was probably no longer than an hour, my history was denied, the murder of my people was justified, and a movement whose sole purpose is the destruction of the Jewish homeland was glorified. Statements were made justifying the ruthless murder of innocent Israeli civilians, blatantly denying Jewish indigeneity in the land, and denying the Holocaust in which six million Jews were murdered. Why anyone in their right mind would accept these slanders as truths baffles me. But they did. These statements, and others, were met with endless snaps and cheers. I was taken aback....When I heard that among my peers that "the Jews are oppressors and murderers—How can you care about students of color on campus when they're murdering our people abroad?"—it quickly dawned on me that it wasn't that they don't like us because we're pro-Israel—they don't like us because we're Jews. '
Read the rest and worry about the future for Jews in an increasingly hostile Europe and USA. An hostility exacerbated by the institutionally anti Israel coverage of the BBC and others broadcasters.
The must read article is here http://www.thetower.org/article/in-the-safe-spaces-on-campus-no-jews-allowed/
'Do we have to hijack your planes again?' Fatah official asks. BBC yawn
'Former Palestinian peace negotiator Nabil Shaath said in an interview earlier this month that he often asks Westerners whether Arabs have to "hijack your planes and destroy your airports again" to make the world take notice of the Palestinian cause.'
More here http://www.timesofisrael.com/do-we-have-to-hijack-your-planes-again-palestinian-official-asks/ but not on the BBC of course.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
The X files are coming back to British TV
Mulder and Scully return to British TV on Monday!
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Friday, 5 February 2016
Thursday, 4 February 2016
EUrabia is our future, if we stay in the EU. Vote Leave
EUrabia is our future, if we stay in the EU. Vote Leave!
Amid rape epidemic, Finland's dangerously stupid PSA says use your mittens?
Feminism loses out to fear of being called Islamophibic?
German 16yr Old Girl - Dubbed into English - "Merkel has Destroyed Germany"
The video that the German government, and probably the British too, would rather you didn't watch.
Philip Hammond warns less than HALF of the migrants are fleeing Syria
The Mail reports http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3427951/Philip-Hammond-warns-HALF-million-migrants-flooding-Europe-fleeing-war-Syria.html thus:
'Philip Hammond has warned less than half of the migrants entering Europe are fleeing the brutal war in Syria.More than a million people are expected to try and get into Europe this year but speaking on a visit to refugee camps in Jordan the Foreign Secretary said many were economic migrants who should be sent home.'
Any sensible person knows this to be true but the pro immigration BBC has been pretending this is not the case and so skewed the debate.
The EU is committing "ritual suicide" and the BBC is hiding that
'Robert Fico, the Slovakian prime minister, declared the EU is committing a "ritual suicide" by letting so many people in. He said the country could volunteer 300 guards at the Schengen zone's external borders.He condemned Jean-Claude Juncker's quota system to share out migrants as "nonsense" and a "complete fiasco"."If it takes until late 2016 or 2017 for Europe to set up its planned border and coastguard force, the EU will have killed itself"
More here at The Telegraph
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/12123684/Six-in-ten-migrants-not-entitled-to-asylum-says-EU-chief.html but not on the pro unlimited immigration BBC.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/12123684/Six-in-ten-migrants-not-entitled-to-asylum-says-EU-chief.html but not on the pro unlimited immigration BBC.
Six in ten migrants not entitled to asylum, says EU chief per The Telegraph. Something that the BBC will not be reporting.
The Telegraph report http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/12123684/Six-in-ten-migrants-not-entitled-to-asylum-says-EU-chief.html thus:
'Frans Timmermans says official data shows majority of refugees are economic migrants, as Slovakia declares Europe is 'suicidal'Six in 10 migrants arriving in Europe are economic migrants with no right to asylum, one of the EU's most senior officials has disclosed.Frans Timmermans, the first vice president of the European Commission, said that the majority of those coming to the EU are not fleeing war or persecution.Many are Tunisians or Moroccans who were joining the migrant trail through Turkey, he said, and they must be deported if the public is to consent to aiding asylum seekers."It's about 60 per cent of all asylum seekers," he said, citing internal figures held by Frontex, the EU border agency. "These are people that you can assume have no reason to apply for refugee status."'
The truth about the migrant crisis is not what the BBC are interested in reporting, so don't expect this piece of news to get any attention on the BBC.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
BBC News in turmoil
The BBC are in turmoil http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35468776. They have expended much effort in trying to destroy Donald Trump's campaign whilst minimising coverage of the other Republican candidates thus trying to ensure that whichever Republican won the Republican nomination could be portrayed as a political minnow when compared to the BBC's chosen candidate Hillary Clinton.
Unfortunately,for the BBC, not only did Ted Cruz win the Republican nomination in Iowa but Hillary Clinton has at best managed just a tiny win over Bernie Sanders. The BBC have been to so much trouble minimising coverage of the various scandals that have surrounded Hillary Clinton that the British public just won't understand why the American Democrat voters could have turned against the BBC's choice.
Maybe if the BBC just impartially reported the news rather than trying to push their various agendas and political choices, then maybe they wouldn't keep being embarrassed by people not voting the BBC way...
updated and corrected 05-02-2016
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