Remember Gordon Brown saying that
the era of celebrity was over, well now it
appears that in BBC land, where no story is complete without a positive view of Gordon Brown, that "Famous fans of TV quiz Countdown, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown, have sent birthday wishes to celebrate the programme's 25th birthday...The Prime Minister says: "I want to congratulate Countdown on reaching 25 years on air. It's done more than any other programme to make counting and spelling fun and popular and is really good exercise for the mind." He also discloses that he could have done with the help of the programme's number cruncher Carol Vorderman when he was Chancellor. "I wish she could have helped on some of my budgets when I was Chancellor - I might have got the sums right more often!""
I think we all wish Carol Vorderman had helped Gordon with his budgets after all he has admitted previously that "I did maths at school and for one year at university but I don’t think I was ever very good at it - and some people would say it shows,". It shows Gordon, my how it shows.
Returning to the BBC, do you think the BBC should just be more honest in their outlook and just put "Vote Labour" on every page of their website.
Thanks to
The Spine for this
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