A lot of shadow crossing that went un-remarked upon but an excellent episode by Steven Moffat who has written most of the scariest of the "new" Dr Who episodes - "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" and the magnificently scary "Blink". Steven Moffat also wrote the most elegant story that was "The Girl in the Fireplace". Steven will also be be taking over from Russell T. Davies as head writer and executive producer for the revived Dr Who's fifth series, to be broadcast in 2010, hopefully he will ensure that the camp factor is turned down. Whilst Russell T. Davies will have my eternal gratitude for bringing Dr Who back from the dead, his fetish for camp story lines and knowing remarks began to grate after a fairly short time.
Vashta Nerada - "The shadows that melt the flesh"
"Not everyone comes back out of the dark"
"Hey who turned out the lights"
I will have trouble sleeping tonight how about the eight year olds that watched it? But hey I lived after watching the cliffhanger episode endings back when Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker were "the Doctor"
Kemi To Declare Net Zero by 2050 ‘Impossible’
2 hours ago
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