
Tuesday 3 November 2009

The EU Lisbon Treaty - the truth at last

Now that the EU Lisbon Treaty (the European Constitution in another form) will become law within weeks, Czech President Vaclav Klaus having signed the EU's Lisbon Treaty, the BBC are letting the truth out. Whilst the news pages still stick to the approved line that
"The treaty was drawn up to streamline decision-making in the EU, and is a watered-down version of a draft EU constitution rejected four years ago."
Gavin Hewitt feels able to reveal that
"The treaty started life as a constitution but it was rejected by the French and Dutch. It was re-born as a treaty although it was largely the same document. It had been shorn of some references that implied Europe was growing closer to being a federal state."
Gavin Hewitt goes on to admit that
"The British goverment, who promised the people a vote, changed its mind. The treaty was described as a technical change that did not require a referendum. All the indications were that the British people wanted their say and most likely would have rejected the treaty."

I am disgusted by the way that Gordon Brown and his colleagues denied the UK public a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, I am disgusted by the way the EU forced the Irish to re-hold their referendum, I am disgusted by the way that the EU leant on Vaclav Klaus to ratify the Treaty and I am disgusted by the way this all being rushed into being before any UK general election. The trouble is that I have very little faith that David Cameron will, if elected, do anything substantive to change matters. It seems that the UK will in very short order become a province of the EU and we will all be subjects of the great EUSSR. Maybe Tony Blair, Gordon Brown & Peter Mandelson's New Labour project is coming to final fruition before the UK electorate throw them out of office.

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