
Sunday 15 November 2009

X Factor - who cares about vote-rigging?

The Mail reports in the shocked manner that only The Mail can muster that:
"The results of The X Factor have been called into question by television bosses after its tightly controlled voting system was effectively hijacked.

Instead of paying for premium-rate calls, thousands of viewers are now voting ‘unofficially’ – and much more cheaply – for their favourite acts via a website.

Viewers who vote via the website pay for their calls by listening to a 15-second online advert – but in doing so circumvent all the security surrounding the official phone lines."
Frankly I don't care who wins X Factor, Jedward or anyone else, I have never watched X Factor and don't intend to start now. Simon Cowell has quite enough money if people don't realise that the purpose of the show is to fill Simon Cowell's bank account then more fool them.

Rather than The Mail bemoaning vote-rigging on the X Factor, maybe they could investigate vote-rigging in UK elections especially via the "postal vote" system; surely that is more vital the UK than a reality "talent" show?

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