Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat in his own words
"Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations." "Peace for us means the destruction of Israel." "We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. . . . We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem." "The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine."Is that clear? Any questions?
Monday, 30 July 2012
Bill Gates an impressive leap
Impressibe Bill, jumping an office chairfrom a pretty much standing start but not as impressive as this guy...
The Bania 64" Box Jump - a new world record for a standing jump
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Now why might she be single?
The Olympic Opening Ceremony
I was all fired up to write a corruscating review of last night's Olympic Opening Ceremony but then I saw it. Leaving aside the dewy eyed sentiment about the NHS and the ridiculous exhortation to admire the integrity of Shami 'LSE & Libya' Chakrabati, I found it very watchable and very very clever. The musical elements were great, even the James Bond & Queen piece was not too badly judged. I am not sure why the Arctic Monkeys were deemed the band to play live but...
The lighting of the Olympic flame was an anti climax. Not enough of great Olympic heroes such as Daley Thompson and Duncan Goodhew. The copper kettles turning into the games torch was beautiful and a real wow moment.
The bit that hit home to me was the sight of Muhammad Ali, I actually cried. So sad to see the man, who was the epitome of health and fitness when I was a boy, looking like that...
Now let the sport connence
The Olympic Opening Ceremony
The lighting of the Olympic flame was an anti climax. Not enough of great Olympic heroes such as Daley Thompson and Duncan Goodhew. The copper kettles turning into the games torch was beautiful and a real wow moment.
The bit that really emotionally affected me though was the sight of Muhammad Ali, I actually cried. So sad to see the man, who was the epitome of health and fitness when I was a boy, looking like that...
Now let the sport commence
Friday, 27 July 2012
Hamas - Just listen to what they say
"You have made our killing of the Jews an act of worship" "With Allah's Teachings "We Harvest the Skulls of...Jews"
"The (Jews) are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians - and the Islamic nation behind them - will have the nonour of anhiliating the evil of this gang" "In just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil." That was Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis al-Astal from 2011.
Finally here's a Hamas children's TV program calling for the "slaughter of Jews"
"Partners in Peace"? How can Israel make peace with people who want to kill every last Jew?
Thursday, 26 July 2012
What is racism?
'The Palestinian Authority is against the moment of silence at the Olympics to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered at the Munich Olympics in 1972. According to the headline in the official PA daily, "Sports are meant for peace, not for racism."
According to Jibril Rajoub, President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee:
"Sports are meant for peace, not for racism... Sports are a bridge to love, interconnection, and spreading of peace among nations; it must not be a cause of division and spreading of racism between them [nations]."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 25, 2012]
These words appeared in a letter sent by Rajoub to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge. The letter "expressed appreciation for [Rogge's] position, who opposed the Israeli position, which demanded a moment's silence at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London."
The PA daily does not refer to the murder of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972 as terror. In the article about Rajoub's letter, the killing of the athletes is referred to as "the Munich Operation, which took place during the Munich Olympics in 1972."
The PA is against the moment of silence because they view the murder of Israelis by Palestinians not as terror but as heroism. Palestinian Media Watch has documented the PA's ongoing policy to glorify terror and terrorists. The murder of the 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics is presented as a highlight of Palestinian "operations" and one of their great accomplishments. In 2010, the official PA daily referred to the Olympic massacre as a "shining station" and its planner was called a "star who sparkled... at the sports stadium in Munich'
There's more:
'The following are examples of how PA leaders and the PA's official newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida have glorified the Olympic massacre and the terrorists who planned it:The Palestinian Authority have a different idea about racism and heroes than I have.
Honoring Amin Al-Hindi, planner of the Olympic attack:
"One of the stars who sparkled... one of many shining stations."
Official PA daily on Al-Hindi:"Everyone knows that Amin Al-Hindi was one of the stars who sparkled at one of the stormiest points on the international level - the operation that was carried out at the [Olympics] sports stadium in Munich, Germany, in 1972. That was just one of many shining stations."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 20,2010]
Secretary General of the Abbas' office, Al-Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim on Al-Hindi:"Secretary General of the President's office, Al-Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, delivered a speech in which he praised the qualities of the deceased. He stressed that the loss of Al-Hindi is a great loss to the Palestinian people, who are bereaved of a prominent national leader...
The Secretary General of the Presidential office said: 'We shall continue in the path of the Shahid (Martyr) Yasser Arafat and his fellow Shahids, such as Amin Al-Hindi...'"[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 19, 2010]
Abbas and Fayyad honor Al-Hindi:"The Palestinian leadership, along with President Mahmoud Abbas, parted yesterday from the body of the Fatah leader and fighter patriot Amin Al-Hindi. This was at an imposing official military funeral that was held at the [PA] headquarters...
Present at the headquarters for the farewell ceremony and for the official military funeral, along with the President [Abbas], were Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad; Secretary General of the Presidential office, Al-Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim; members of the PLO Executive Council and of the Fatah Central Committee; several ministers, commanders of security forces, senior civic and military personnel, as well as relatives of the deceased... President Abbas and the participants at the funeral cast a final parting look at the body, and laid wreaths. Afterwards, the President and those present read the opening sura [of the Quran] for the elevation of his pure soul."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 19, 2010]
Honoring Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, 'Abu Daoud,' a second planner of the Olympic attack:
"His name shone brightly in the German city of Munich"
PA TV News, on Oudeh:"Palestinians were surprised this morning at the announcement of the death of one of the most important leaders of the Palestinian revolution, Muhammad Daoud Oudeh (Abu Daoud), who engineered the Munich Operation and was one of the most important of Israel's most wanted in the 1970s."[PA TV (Fatah), July 4, 2010]
Official PA daily, on Oudeh:"In its [Black September wing of PLO] ranks were many distinguished men and women, headed by the Panther of Palestine, Salah Khalaf 'Abu Iyad.' Abu Daoud was one of his prominent assistants. His [Abu Daoud's] name shone brightly in the German city of Munich in 1972, where the Olympics took place. Oh, how these events evolved into a violent drama of the most tragic kind... May Allah have mercy on this great Fatah fighter and patriot, Abu Daoud."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2010]
Mahmoud Abbas on Oudeh:"What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter."
"President Mahmoud Abbas sent a telegram of condolences yesterday over the death of the great fighter Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, 'Abu Daoud,' who died just before reaching 70. The telegram of condolences read: 'The deceased was one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement and lived a life filled with the struggle, devoted effort, and the enormous sacrifice of the deceased for the sake of the legitimate problem of his people, in many spheres. He was at the forefront on every battlefield, with the aim of defending the [Palestinian] revolution. What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2010]
Abbas Zaki, member Fatah Central Committee, on Oudeh:"He started his life as a regular individual and concluded it with giant stature... We have lost a man on the level of the Arab region and on the level of the world revolutionary movement, by virtue of his noble actions and his glorious history. Bestowing this honor in every place, inside the homeland and outside of it, does justice to this mighty man."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 5, 2010]
Dr. Samir Al-Refa'I, Secretary of the Fatah branch in Syria, on Oudeh:"With the fall of Abu Daoud as a Shahid we have lost a man who is worth all other men together... Abu Daoud is one of the symbols of the Fatah movement... He will always remain our ideal and a role model for the generations to come."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 5, 2010'
Why did Gordon Brown sell a large proportion of Britain's gold at a historically low price?
'A great deal of Gordon Brown’s economic strategy would strike a sane man as troubling. Not a great deal was mysterious. The orgy of consumption spending, frequent extensions of the cycle over which he would “borrow to invest”, proclamations of the “end of boom and bust”: these are part of the armoury of modern politicians, of all political hues.Read the article for the explanation, which revolves around the 'carry trade'. Is this true? I cannot say. It might be but then it might also just be true that Gordon Brown saw gold as an unproductive asset and thought that he could do so much more by selling the gold and 'investing' the proceeds. The trouble is that when Gordon Brown said 'investing', he too often meant wasting.
One decision stands out as downright bizarre, however: the sale of the majority of Britain’s gold reserves for prices between $256 and $296 an ounce, only to watch it soar so far as $1,615 per ounce today.
When Brown decided to dispose of almost 400 tonnes of gold between 1999 and 2002, he did two distinctly odd things.
First, he broke with convention and announced the sale well in advance, giving the market notice that it was shortly to be flooded and forcing down the spot price. This was apparently done in the interests of “open government”, but had the effect of sending the spot price of gold to a 20-year low, as implied by basic supply and demand theory.
Second, the Treasury elected to sell its gold via auction. Again, this broke with the standard model. The price of gold was usually determined at a morning and afternoon "fix" between representatives of big banks whose network of smaller bank clients and private orders allowed them to determine the exact price at which demand met with supply.
The auction system again frequently achieved a lower price than the equivalent fix price. The first auction saw an auction price of $10c less per ounce than was achieved at the morning fix. It also acted to depress the price of the afternoon fix which fell by nearly $4.
It seemed almost as if the Treasury was trying to achieve the lowest price possible for the public’s gold. It was.'
Life on US University campuses
Anti-Semitism is rife on University campuses across America, Britain and beyond. Life for Jews gets harder by the day but what can we do?
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Some more news that you won't see reported on the BBC
The legal affairs committee of the Majles, the Iranian parliament, has told the press that they regard the law that prohibits girls below the age of 10 from being married off to be 'un-Islamic and illegal'.
Mohabatnews ) - According to recently released statistics, in the past few weeks over 75 female children under 10 were forced to marry much older men. In 3929 cases, bride and groom were both under 14.
In a discussion of the issue organised by the Khabar Online news website, conservative law-maker and spokesperson for the Majles committee Mohammad Ali Isfenani said: "Before the revolution girls under 16 were not allowed to marry.
Parents determined to get around the law would often tamper with their daughter's birth certificate. Under the previous constitution, people were legally regarded as adults when they were 18. After the revolution the age at which children were regarded as going through puberty was lowered to 9 for girls and 15 for boys.
" He added: "As some people may not comply with our current Islamic legal system, we must regard 9 as being the appropriate age for a girl to have reached puberty and qualified to get married. To do otherwise would be to contradict and challenge Islamic Sharia law."
He also confirmed that under his chairmanship the legal committee of the Majles would seek to change the current legislation./ shahrzad'
I'll give you clue BBC types - Google 'ayesha wife muhammad' and you'll find out why.'we must regard 9 as being the appropriate age for a girl to have reached puberty and qualified to get married. To do otherwise would be to contradict and challenge Islamic Sharia law."'
Then you might understand why grooming and sex with under-age girls is so rife in parts of the UK...
Patriotism - Egyptian style
Yes that's patriotism...
Mayar Al-Beblawi: "In that country [Israel], they are all liars. You wouldn't believe it. They are real liars. They keep whining all the time about the Holocaust, or whatever it's called. With all the Palestinians that you have killed, you are still whining about the Holocaust and its lousy figures?!
"These people sawed off [the head] of John the Baptist. They are the slayers of the prophets, what else can we say about them?"
Mayar Al-Beblawi: "The Chosen People?! Allah did not curse the worm and the moth as much as he cursed the Jews."
Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar: "You brought me someone who looks like a Jew..."
Al-Ghaffar embraces Amr 'Alaah
[to Iman Mubarak]: "If you weren't a girl, the moment you told me you were Jewish... I hate the Jews to death."
Iman Mubarak: "I'd like to tell you that I enjoyed today's episode with Mahmoud. I didn't know that there could be such patriotism, but it exists in every Egyptian who breathes the air of this country." [...]'
Some news that I wouldn't bother looking for on the BBC
'An Arab mob ambushed and severely beat several Jews praying in a field in Samaria Wednesday before they left when soldiers shot in the air.The BBC will doubtless ignore the story as it does not meet their narrative of evil Israelis and poor innocent Palestinians.
The Arabs, from the Palestinian Authority village of Sinjil in the Binyamin region, have been arriving almost every day for several weeks to interrupt the Jewish prayers of residents from Givat Harel. The Jewish residents said they maintain their presence in the fields to prevent a hostile takeover of the state lands near their community, located between Shiloh and Harel in northern Samaria.
“A large crowd of Arabs attacked the Jews from Givat Harel with the intention of carrying out a ‘lynch,’” the Hebrew terminology for a deadly ambush, said Moshe Hisdai, a member of the Binyamin Residents' Committee.
“They come every morning during prayers, and the Jews decided not to engage in a conflict with them, but instead to stand and pray,” he added.
Wednesday morning, the leader of the Arab village arrived and gave a signal to the mob to attack, causing severe injuries to several people. “One of the Jewish residents escaped, but the Arabs chased after him and beat him severely,” accords to Hisdai.
IDF soldiers, including an officer, shot in the air, but the shots only brought out more Arabs to join the ambush until the mob realized that the IDF would not continue to ignore them, and instead dispersed.
Hisdai explained that the Palestinian Authority has used Red Crescent vehicles to help Arabs try to take over the land as well as an archaeological site around Givat Harel.'
Do the BBC take notice of what I write?
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
The BBC not telling us the whole story
You will not be surprised to learn that there is another group of people who are allowed to use the Olympic Route Network.
The ORN will come into
operation and be enforced from 0600 Wednesday 25 July. This also
includes 30 miles of ‘Games Lanes’ for the use of athletes, officials and the
world’s media to get them to their events on time. Games Lanes will be
operated flexibly and opened to regular traffic if there are times when they
are less busy. A network of 150 Variable Message Signs along the route will
advise motorists when Games Lanes are open to regular traffic.
The one hundred and sixty-first weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award
'Illegal workers could count for almost half of overseas students' - "No shit, Sherlock"
The BBC don't want to admit that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, the Mayor of Tel Aviv has a message for them
"Jerusalem is Israel's capital. It became the capital 3,500 years ago"
Over to you BBC...
Sofya Dickson can do it
Sofya Dickson shows that sometimes children can drive themselves, and not just their parents, up the wall - well the door frame.
Olympic News but not on the BBC
'PAKISTAN’S president yesterday ordered the arrest of criminals behind an Olympics visa racket exposed by The Sun.On the BBC? Shhh not a word.
A dozen passport officials have been suspended.
An aide said Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and President Asif Ali Zardari were appalled after we exposed corrupt officials offering potential terrorists the chance to sneak into Britain with the Pakistan Olympic squad.
Rehman Malik added: “The visa scandal is shocking.
“President Zardari and Prime Minister Ashraf have asked me to arrest those responsible for defaming Pakistan. Those responsible will be punished accordingly.”
Embarrassed Pakistan officials also rang Downing Street yesterday to confirm they are doing all they can to find the gang ringleaders.
A dozen Pakistan passport officials were suspended yesterday and others were taken into custody.
Those suspended include the general manager of the Lahore passport office which arranged for an undercover Sun investigator to obtain bogus travel documents for £600.
And senior politician Abid Chodhary, who offered our man a UK visa plus a letter confirming he was part of Pakistan’s Olympic entourage for £7,000, has been banned from leaving the country.
The Dream Land travel agency in Lahore, whose staff put The Sun in touch with corrupt officials, was closed yesterday. Arrests are expected soon.
Mr Malik said he had personally contacted the British authorities to assure them no terrorists would be allowed to slip into London 2012.
He added: “We love the Olympics and will never allow anyone to sabotage them.” Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service confirmed the racket could have been used by potential terrorists.
A spokesman said: “The ISI had reports earlier that the Olympics could be used to send terrorists into UK and Europe but we had made a fool-proof plan to stop this.
“There has been an activity of the militants for the last few months and we have intercepted calls in which militants are discussing Olympics as a tool to get into UK. We have taken people into custody and are interrogating them. The men can give us a clue if they are connected with militant outfits or were just trying to make it to the UK.”
David Cameron said he had every faith in London 2012’s security.
His spokesman said: “We are confident that we have the checks in place and the arrangements in place to deal with these issues.” Downing Street said British agents are in Pakistan working with authorities there.
The suspended staff are from the NADRA passport centres in Lahore and Islamabad.
Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson said: “We’re grateful to The Sun.”'
Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi in his own words
MEMRI report:
'Throughout his campaign and also since his election, Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi has stated that he accepts the peace agreement with Israel. For example, in a meeting with newspaper editors following his election, he said that Egypt would honor the agreement,[1] and in his inauguration speech at Cairo University, he said that he carried a message of peace to the world, that he would uphold Egypt's commitments as part of international treaties and conventions it has signed, and that "Egypt [would] never turn to a policy of aggression."[2] At the same time, Mursi is careful to qualify his statements and say that Egypt's acceptance of the peace agreement depends on Israel's honoring of this agreement – an assertion that is open to various interpretations. For example, in a televised interview before the elections, he said that Israel's honoring the agreement meant making peace with all the peoples of the region, implementing the Palestinians' right of return, and establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.[3] On another occasion, he said that Israel's attack on Gaza constituted a violation of the peace agreement.[4] These qualifications to the acceptance of the peace agreement with Israel might serve Mursi and the MB as a means of exerting pressure on Israel and the U.S., by demanding concessions in return for a continued honoring of the agreement on Egypt's part. Moreover, the MB apparently intends to maintain a division of labor between the president and the MB party and movement. Mursi adheres to protocol and international requirements in his policies and statements; moreover, he emphasizes that he does not represent the MB party or movement in his role as president, while the MB movement, on the other hand, is much blunter in its statements on Israel and adheres to its longstanding ideology. Thus, in his sermons in the recent weeks, MB General Guide Muhammad Badi' has been taking a violent, hard-line stance and calling for jihad to rescue Palestine and Jerusalem.'The BBC prefer to just say this:
'Relations with Israel and the US are among the most difficult challenges facing Mr Mursi. As a pragmatist, he will likely be keen to respect the peace treaty with Israel and maintain good relations with the US and the West. In his first televised address, he emphasised that he will honour all international treaties and agreements signed by Egypt.'Time for an update BBC or do you want to mislead people as to Muhammad Mursi's views and words?
Enjoy today London drivers
However if like me you have been enjoying the light traffic, today's your last day for from tomorrow the Olympic/Zil Lanes go into 6am to midnight operation... It's not going to be nice out there.
I missed a day!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
The BBC and the Olympic Torch
The BBC coverage seems to censor this cry. I would ask 'why' but I know the answer already.
Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas - two sides of the same rancid coin
Muslim Brotherhood meets with leaders of terrorist Hamas, strengthen ties http://t.co/pkjPXqt8 #sharia #jihad #news -- Creeping Sharia (@creepingsharia)
Another misunderstander of Islam?
This is from the BBC's report of the case but the bit that struck me as oh so revealing was this:'An American supporter of al-Qaeda has pleaded guilty to trying to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with explosives-laden remote-controlled model planes.
US citizen Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, was arrested after a sting operation in which federal officers posed as al-Qaeda members to supply explosives.
Prosecutors and defence lawyers agreed to recommend a 17-year jail term.
Ferdaus had been planning "jihad" since 2010, according to prosecutors.
He pleaded guilty to two charges: attempting to supply materials to al-Qaeda, and seeking to damage US government buildings with explosives.
Ferdaus said he would accept the 17 years' imprisonment term under a plea deal with the prosecution. He could have faced 35 years for the two charges together if the case had gone to trial.'
'Asked about the possibility of killing women and children, Mr Ferdaus allegedly said all non-followers of Islam were his enemies.'Now where have I heard that language before? Oh yes:
1. the words of Sheikh 'Ahed Ahmad 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Sa'idani:
'"If by 'innocent people' the inquirer means Jewish or Christian civilians [who live] in the country [where the jihad operation is to take place], then he should know that these people are fundamentally not innocent. Rather, they are aggressive combatants who are party to [the deeds of their leaders] in money, opinion, and counsel. Even if some of them are innocent, but cannot be separated from the aggressors whom the mujahideen aim to target – the [Muslims] scholars have ruled that, in the case of a surprise attack, it permissible to kill all of them [i.e., the bystanders along with the targets]...2. the words of Anjem Choudary:
"If by 'innocent people' the inquirer means Muslims who may be accidentally hurt during a military operation, [he should know that] it is neither permissible nor reasonable to refrain from fighting the infidels out of fear of hurting some Muslims, because this would mean stopping the jihad. Most of the infidel countries that are fighting Islam have some Muslims living in them. It is inconceivable [to stop the jihad on their account], especially in the current situation, when most Muslim countries are waging defensive jihad."'
'"When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God... As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God"3. the words of the Muslim Brotherhood's Kamal Al Helbawy from 1998:
"I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam"'
'"Dr. Kamal Al-Hilbawi: I condemn the targeting of any civilian, but incidentally, I believe that every Israeli civilian is a future soldier.The western media, I fear deliberately, allows Islamic leaders to state their opposition to the murder of innocents without asking the question 'who do you consider to be innocent and who do you not consider to be innocent?'. As I blogged over five years ago:
Interviewer: He is what?
Dr. Kamal Al-Hilbawi: A future soldier.
Interviewer: Even if he is two years old?
Dr. Kamal Al-Hilbawi: A child born in Israel is raised on the belief that [the Arabs] are like contemptible sheep, and that this is a land without a people, and they are a people without a land. They have very strange concepts. In elementary school, they pose the following math problem: “In your village, there are 100 Arabs. If you killed 40, how many Arabs would be left for you to kill?” This is taught in the Israeli curriculum. What would you say about that? Should a child studying this be considered a civilian? He is a future soldier."'
'Inayat Bunglawala is the media secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain and as such is often interviewed by British media outlets at times such as this. Mr Bunglawala has a set phrase that he uses whenever he is asked for his opinion or that of the Qur’aan on acts of terrorism. This phrase is along the lines of "We condemn the killing of all innocent people wherever they are". This sounds nice and simple but the one follow-up question that is never asked is "are those people who don't pray to Allah five times a day and who don't follow the tenets of Islam, innocent?". We heard during the trial of the thwarted terrorist Jawad Akbar who planned to commit slaughter on the Ministry of Sound's dance floor "No one can turn around and say, 'Oh, they were innocent', those slags dancing around. Do you understand what I mean?" So in his view these were not innocent people, how about in the view of Inayat Bunglawala?
I see in The Guardian that Muhammad Abdul Bari, the MCB secretary general, used a similar form of words when he said "Those who seek to deliberately kill or maim innocent people are the enemies of us all. There is no cause whatsoever that could possibly justify such barbarity." Once again there is the use of the word innocent.
I am not saying that Muhammad Abdul Bari or Inayat Bunglawala are terrorists, I am not saying that they support terrorism within the UK; however I am saying that the question "in your view and in the word of the Qur’aan, what types of people are innocent and what types of people are not innocent?" should be asked of, and answered, by them.'
Why do the British and American media deliberately miss this point when allowing Islamic spokesman to hide behind the word 'innocent'? Are they naive, stupid or actually and deliberately enabling the deception to take place?
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Is MD Alam real or a parody?
Is MD Alam for real or is he in fact a comic creation of a Sacha Baron Cohen type? Surely nobody really talks like this...
The BBC's usual full description of the Olympic Torches progress fails for once
'Earlier, a 17-year-old was arrested after trying to grab the flame as the torch relay passed through Gravesend. He sped out of the crowd towards the torchbearer and was wrestled to the ground by Torch Security Team officers.'According to the BBC's live streaming news:
'0956: We have just had an incident during Anna Skora's run - a man raced out from the crowd and tried to take the torch out of her hands. He was unsuccessful as the torch security team members were immediately on him and pushed him down to the ground and the relay continued uninterrupted.'Elsewhere in the real world, where Muslims are not automatically protected from bad publicity, we can read more:
'Teenager shouts 'Allah is great' in Arabic as he tries to grab the Olympic flame from hands of terrified torch bearer Boy runs from crowd and attempts to wrestle flame from torch bearer shouting Arabic for 'God is Great' ... A 17-year-old shouted 'Allahu Akbar' - Arabic for 'God is Great' - as he unsuccessfully tried to grab the Olympic torch during a stretch of the flame's route through Maidstone towards Redhill. Broadcast live on the BBC, the youth lunged from the crowd to try to take the torch from the hands of its bearer Anna Skora, but was swiftly bundled away by officers. In one video posted to YouTube he can be seen waiting behind a car and as Ms Skora gets closer he lunges towards the torch.'Why so short on details BBC? Was it the 'Allahu Akbar' that made you so?
Friday, 20 July 2012
Ken Livingstone - liar
Commemorating the Olympic dead
The IOC's decision to bow down to the will of the Muslim bloc is disgusting, albeit not surprising. If the IOC will not officially remember those members of the 'Olympic family' who were murdered 40 years ago, then unofficial action should be taken. Friday 27 July could be interesting...
If the Israeli team do stop for one minute I wonder what the teams following them into the stadium will do. I presume that the Muslim TV stations covering the Olympic opening ceremony will cut their transmissions rather than have to explain what is happening and why.
Nothing is too good for our rulers - we should just bow and scrape before our overlords
'A select group of government ministers are to be allowed to use the Olympic “Zil” lanes.Our political class really do sicken me. What are the chances that the Zil lanes stay in place after the Olympics have finished? Our lords and masters deserve to travel untroubled by the congestion that their subjects have to endure.
The revelation has infuriated London cabbies who are protesting at being banned from the lanes.
Earl Atlee, a government spokesman in the Lords, confirmed that some ministers would be able to use the lanes “on the advice of the security services” but added “that will apply to very few ministers indeed”.
They include Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Chancellor George Osborne, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Home Secretary Theresa May, Foreign Secretary William Hague, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond, Olympics minister Hugh Robertson and Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson.'
MD Alam has changed his story again
'Look I was nice enough to exchange with you. But I fund that people like you do not deserve nice treatment. You need to clear your heart and clear your view. In our time there are so much problems and propaganda because of people like you. The simple fact I told you, I never made any statement and I challenged the Peopel and the producer and now you are even questioning what was in my mind. Go clear your mind and then talk to good people like me.
Here I am going to give you an Clear Statement, hope that will make you happy.
============================================================ =================
7/19/2012Kansas CityI was placed under attack by a journalist who warped an internet conversation in a computer forum. I challenged the producer of a documentary as well as readers by asking few vital questions. This producer claimed that no jews were killed during 9/11 Tragedy. I asked a sarcastic question to challenge this man fourty months ago, and it has since resurfaced as a media attack against me. I have served this country as a military personelle, I am a Veteran of Iraq War, a Chiarmen, and have volunteered many community service hours to help my Community. I will continue to serve all people of all ethnicities, and gourps, regardless of race, religion or gender.
I will serve these people depsite the stereotypes the media would like to place on me, and look forward to improving the future of Missouri.
Thank you.MD Rabbi AlamCandidate: Missouri Secretary of State============================================================ ======= Take care.Thanks.
MD Rabbi AlamCandidate: "Missouri Secretary of State"[MA - Mathematics, HS Math Teacher Certification, MS - Computer Information System, MBA - Military Science, B. Sc - Biology, BA - Political Science]National Chairman, US National Democratic Party Asian American CaucusExecutive Member - DNC (National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council)Doctoral Student: University of North Texas (Computer Information System)Cell: (816) 372-1873, Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.orgCampaign Website: http://www.md4mo.orgPersonal website: https://www.facebook.com/md4us
Slogan: "Digital Missouri, Go Green, Making Information Online & Accessiable to all"
My response:
'People like me? I see you have changed your story again. Originally you said that you were just asking questions, in your last email you said that you were confused by the film and now you say that you were challenging the 'Peopel (sic) and the producer'. Which of these explanations, if any, is really the case? My mind is clear and true, yours however seems very confused. Your new statement is just another attempt to wriggle out of the trouble you have caused yourself. You have nobody but yourself to blame for your predicament. You slipped up when you appeared to repeat the untrue statements from that film and since then you have been trying to excuse yourself. Your new statement is no more convincing than your previous statements. As for your implied threat at the end of your email, words fail me. Regards NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'I don't think that I will hear back from MD Rabbi Alam as I think that even he has realised that I am not going to buy his ever-changing story.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
MD Alam goes on the attack but is easily repulsed
'Have you seen the Video I am talking about?
If so then you would know anybody would easily challenge the producer and and the readers.
Untill you watch the video dont even email me again.
So here is the Link:
http://www.topix.com/forum/topstories/TSBMT04T49GGG7HFO/ p3723#c80296
If you do see it simply it would confuse you too.
Just I am saying.
MD Rabbi AlamCandidate: "Missouri Secretary of State"[MA - Mathematics, HS Math Teacher Certification, MS - Computer Information System, MBA - Military Science, B. Sc - Biology, BA - Political Science]National Chairman, US National Democratic Party Asian American CaucusExecutive Member - DNC (National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council)Doctoral Student: University of North Texas (Computer Information System)Cell: (816) 372-1873, Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.orgCampaign Website: http://www.md4mo.orgPersonal website: https://www.facebook.com/md4us
Slogan: "Digital Missouri, Go Green, Making Information Online & Accessiable to all"'
Apart from the fact that his mastery of the English language is extremely poor, which makes me wonder how he managed to get the qualifications that he seems to have, he seems to have changed his excuse.
I have replied:
'I have seen that video and it is a 9/11 truther's dream.
The problem is that so many of the film's main claims have been refuted by so many scientific and engineering experts. For example the 'fact' that the film makes about metal melting temperatures has been debunked so many times that 2 minutes on the web would find you the truth - this Popular Mechanics article should help explain this matter to you. Do read it, it is not that tricky to understand.
You seem to have changed your defence. Originally you said that you were just asking questions, now you seem to be saying that you were confused by the film. Which is the case?
I am sorry but your repeating of those lies was either deliberately provocative & insulting or shows you to be incredibly naive and ill-informed. Either way, you are clearly not fit for public office.
Kind regards
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'
I await the reply...
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Lauren Booth - wrong, wrong, wrong
Maybe Lauren Booth should take note of what is happening in the real world where
'Dozens of Gaza Christians staged a rare public protest Monday, claiming two congregants were forcibly converted to Islam and were being held against their will.'Does Lauren Booth really believe what she says or is she practising taqiyah?
By the way: Victoria Derbyshire and Lauren Booth on the same programme - vile and viler...
Because Israel and Jews are an insignificant minority
Ankie Spitzer, whose husband Andre was one of the athletes killed during that 1968 Munich Olympics terrorist massacre has told the European Jewish Press that Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC, told her that his "hands were tied" by the 46 Arab and Muslim members to the International Olympic Committee. Ankie Spitzer replied that "My husband’s hands were tied, not yours." Ankie Spitzer called the Olympics "a corrupt organization, led by greed rather than the Olympic spirit." She added that "The IOC’s refusal is pure discrimination – greed and anti-Semitism."
I don't believe the IOC is anti-Semitic but a large number of its member states are, enough to block any commemoration of the Olympic dead. This anti-Israel bloc is not restricted to the IOC and helps to explain why the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies are so obsessed with the alleged misdeeds of Israel whilst ignoring the factual and bigger crimes against humanity committed elsewhere, often by Islamic states.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Monday, 16 July 2012
MD Alam replies...
Not very helpful is it? I have responded:
'Au contraire Mr Alam, I did read your first email. In fact I read it very very carefully. As I said in my second email: '... the questions you asked were not questions aimed at eliciting answers, they were statements masquerading as questions. You 'asked' 'Why 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?' That is not asking IF it was an official holiday but WHY it was, thus assuming that it was an official holiday. The trouble is it wasn't, did you think to check? You further 'asked' ' ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day?' That is not asking IF any Jews were killed on that day but asking WHY not a single Jew was killed on that day, thus making the implicit assumption that no Jews were killed on 9/11. The trouble is many Jews did die on 9/11 as two minutes on Google would have easily revealed. Do not try and play the poor little Muslim victim card, it won't wash. You didn't ask some questions hoping to elicit answers; the 'questions' that you asked were offensive statements that were masquerading as questions. ' Do I really need to explain? OK I will, let's look at the first of your 'questions'. If you were asking if 9/11 was an official holiday for all Jewish people then you might have asked 'Was 9/11 an official holiday for all Jewish people who worked at the WTC?' You didn't, you asked 'Why 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?' That is not asking IF it was an official holiday but WHY it was, thus assuming that it was an official holiday. Do you understand the difference? Is it really your defence that you were just repeating the questions that were asked on the video? If that is the case then did you not think the questions would be offensive to your Jewish friends and all Jews? Indeed did you yourself not find the questions offensive? Regards NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'
BBC accountability?
'The BBC's investigation into how an off-the-record conversation it had inadvertently filmed between Craig Oliver, David Cameron's communications chief, and Norman Smith, its reporter, ended up being put up on YouTube can no longer be talked about because of the Data Protection Act, says the corporation's head of accountability Lord Patten, the chairman of the BBC Trust, promised to make the corporation more accountable for its transgressions when he was appointed last year. Its executives have, however, decided to keep schtum about an incident almost two months ago which, so I was told by David Cameron’s spokesman, showed the BBC at its “unprofessional worst.” Presumably with political motivation, an employee took it upon him or herself to post on YouTube footage that had been inadvertently filmed by a BBC cameraman of a heated, off-the-record conversation between Craig Oliver, the PM’s communications chief, and Norman Smith, the BBC reporter, over alleged bias. The BBC promised a “full investigation,” but now, in response to a Freedom of Information request that arrived after the 20-day deadline, Stephanie Harris, the Head of Accountability at BBC News, cites the Data Protection Act as grounds for refusing to say anything further. “The individuals concerned in this investigation would not expect their personal data... to be disclosed to a third party,” she says. “Any future requests for the same information are highly likely to result in the information being withheld.” ...'The BBC seems to like hiding information that would be detrimental to its reputation; The Balen Report for example...
What was going on in Mumber 10?
'Tony Blair and his former cabinet secretary face new questions over the “cash-for-honours” affair after fresh evidence emerged of a secret computer at 10 Downing Street. Damian McBride, who worked as a special adviser to Gordon Brown at Number 10 between 2007 and 2009, claimed he had been shown a “stand-alone computer through which No 10 staff could use personal email accounts”. This computer, understood to have been in a ground-floor room at No10, was run separately from the main Downing Street server, which blocked such accounts, Mr McBride said. He added that he had been told by officials: “We don’t discuss this publicly. We don’t want people going on about 'second Downing Street email systems’.” His account was in stark contrast to official denials given during the cash-for-honours investigation, which dogged the former prime minister’s last period in office. In 2006, Mr Blair’s government was accused of offering peerages and other honours to business leaders in return for substantial loans made to Labour before the 2005 general elections. As police investigated the matter, it was alleged that people working at No 10 had been able to circumvent the “normal” email system by using personal emails from a secret “second” system. Any such communications would have been outside the scope of the police inquiry into the affair, which saw several arrests, while Mr Blair was personally questioned by detectives as a witness. Responding to this suggestion, Lord O’Donnell told MPs on the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) in January 2007 that John Yates, the former Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner who led the cash-for-honours case, had said he had received “excellent co-operation” from the Cabinet Office. Lord O’Donnell added: “We have had no complains from them [the police] about access. We have complied fully with any requests. The Prime Minister has made it clear to me, to ensure that we co-operate fully with the police, and that is what we have done. “There is no second email system inside No10.” When Mr Blair was asked by MPs about the Number 10 email system he referred his questioners to Lord O’Donnell’s testimony. A Tory MP who is a current member of the PASC said the new revelations raised “serious” concerns over the way Number 10 was run under Mr Blair in 2006 and 2007. Priti Patel said the matter needed to be raised again following the claims by Mr McBride, who resigned in 2009 after leaked emails from his No10 account revealed a smear campaign against leading Tories was being plotted. She told The Sunday Telegraph: “There is no doubt that this raises serious questions that have to be answered by both Tony Blair and Gus O’Donnell about what kind of operation they were running at No 10 during this particular time.” Although no charges were ever brought, the police investigation cast a shadow over Mr Blair’s final period in office and saw members of his inner circle arrested, including Lord Levy, Labour’s fundraiser, and Ruth Turner, the former prime minister’s political aide, who was held after a dawn raid on her London home. Mr Blair, who was last week appointed by Ed Miliband to a sports advisory role in what many saw as the first step towards a domestic political return, reveals the effect the affair had on him and his close aides in his 2010 autobiography A Journey. He describes it as “psychologically atrocious” and adding that the popularity both of himself and of his party “fell like an arrow” in its wake. A spokesperson for Mr Blair: “This doesn’t change anything. The matter was fully looked into at the time and we have nothing further to add.” Lord O’Donnell was unavailable for comment. A Whitehall source told The Sunday Telegraph: “There are stand alone terminals in some offices [in no 10] to allow press officers to access news and other sites that are blocked by the main system firewall. The same applies in other government departments.” 'A fascinating story that may shed light into what was happening inside Tony Blair's Number 10 before the shredders started whirring. The only problem is that it means I have to believe Damian McBride and that does go against my natural instincts. I am awaiting this story appearing on the BBC website...
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Will I blog anything today? Well in one sense I just have...
Friday, 13 July 2012
MD Alam has replied and I have replied to him
I have responded:This is the problem with our media. I never made such statement. Based on the youtube video Loose Change I posted 3 questions. Questioning and Claiming is not the same thing. This is the problem with our people as well. I asked questions 40 months ago and only one response was posted about the link. So the Reporter of Washington Free Becaon just made it up and said Alam claimed it. I MD Alam never made such statement. Sometime you have to ask question based on video or movie. I simply re-type the questions what was in the video.
MD Alam mdpaac@mdpaac.org 20:48
to me, rabbituli00
Have you seen this
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid= 7866929448192753501
I just post three question based on this video. I suggest you to watch this video and then tell that how asking question would make me as Anti-Semetic? however it was just questions.
It's your choise how you translate.
Here is the post link that I posted 40 months ago.
I am a good man. Good leader I do not represent any Anti-Semetic.
http://www.topix.com/forum/topstories/TSBMT04T49GGG7HFO/ p3723#c80296
But let me tell you. If my question hurts or disrespect anyone I am sorry for that and I do apolozise for that. But truly, I have nothing against anyone. I am a true human. Here is the key point why media is after me: I a Muslim and by being a Muslim while I am running for Missouri Secretary of State, they are just simply going after me and trying to ruin my political career.
I am not an Anti-Semetic and I have a great number of Jewis Friends. I am sorry all my friends. It is all media what's trying to screw me and my political standing.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Thanks for your email and reaching me out.
MD Rabbi AlamCandidate: "Missouri Secretary of State"[MA - Mathematics, HS Math Teacher Certification, MS - Computer Information System, MBA - Military Science, B. Sc - Biology, BA - Political Science]National Chairman, US National Democratic Party Asian American CaucusExecutive Member - DNC (National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council)Doctoral Student: University of North Texas (Computer Information System)Cell: (816) 372-1873, Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.orgCampaign Website: http://www.md4mo.orgPersonal website: https://www.facebook.com/md4us
Slogan: "Digital Missouri, Go Green, Making Information Online & Accessiable to all"
Mr Alam,
Your reply doesn't answer my questions.
I asked you:
Why did you make your original statements?
Did you check any facts before making your statements?
What have you to say to the relatives of the Jewish victims of the 9/11 terrorists who killed indiscriminately?
So, and do correct me if I am misrepresenting you, you are saying that you made these statements/asked these questions because you saw a You Tube video that raised them?
I'm sorry but the questions you asked were not questions aimed at eliciting answers, they were statements masquerading as questions.
You 'asked' 'Why 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?' That is not asking IF it was an official holiday but WHY it was, thus assuming that it was an official holiday. The trouble is it wasn't, did you think to check?
You further 'asked' ' ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day?' That is not asking IF any Jews were killed on that day but asking WHY not a single Jew was killed on that day, thus making the implicit assumption that no Jews were killed on 9/11. The trouble is many Jews did die on 9/11 as two minutes on Google would have easily revealed.
Do not try and play the poor little Muslim victim card, it won't wash. You didn't ask some questions hoping to elicit answers; the 'questions' that you asked were offensive statements that were masquerading as questions.
It is irrelevant to me whether you have Jewish friends or not, the statements you made were offensive to Jews and should make you unelectable to public office.
You claim not to be anti-Semetic and I am sure you are not, mainly because there is no such thing as being anti-Semetic. Will you also deny being anti-Semitic?
Kind regards
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat
We will see what reply MD Rabbi Alam comes up with.
By the way have you ever before heard of a Muslim with the middle name rabbi?
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Frances O'Grady - This could be interesting...
| ![]() ![]() | ||
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Three questions for MD Alam
18:23 (0 minutes ago)
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“Why [was] 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?” Alam said in a discussion titled, “Was 9/11 a conspiracy??”
“My question was, ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day,’” Alam said, according to the Washington Free Beacon. “Was there a single Jew killed on that day?”''
Two minutes research found the truth quite easily:
'A total of 2,071 occupants of the World Trade centre died on September 11, among the 2749 victims of the WTC attacks. According to an article in the October 11, 2001 Wall Street Journal, roughly 1,700 people had listed the religion of a person missing in the WTC attacks; approximately 10 percent were Jewish. A later article, in the September 5, 2002 Jewish Week, states, “based on the list of names, biographical information compiled by The New York Times, and information from records at the Medical Examiner’s Office, there were at least 400 victims either confirmed or strongly believed to be Jewish.” This would be approximately 15 percent of the total victims of the WTC attacks. A partial list of 390 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who died (out of 658 in the company) lists 49 Jewish memorial services, which is between 12 percent and 13 percent. (http://myfriendsphotos.A couple of questions:tripod.com/cf.html )
This 10 percent to 15 percent estimate of Jewish fatalities tracks closely with the percentage of Jews living in the New York area. According to the 2002 American Jewish Year Book, 9 percent of the population of New York State, where 64 percent of the WTC victims lived, is Jewish. A 2002 study estimated that New York City’s population was 12 percent Jewish. Forty-three percent of the WTC victims lived in New York City. Thus, the number of Jewish victims correlates very closely with the number of Jewish residents in New York. If 4,000 Jews had not reported for work on September 11, the number of Jewish victims would have been much lower than 10-15 percent.
The following partial list of 76 Jewish World Trade centre victims includes many from companies that were located at or above where the planes hit. These include Cantor Fitzgerald, which lost 658 employees, Marsh & McLennan, which lost 295 employees, Aon Corporation, which lost 176 employees, and others. Photographs of many of the victims can be found at http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... s_list.htm .
Lee Alan Adler, 48, was a computer designer at Cantor Fitzgerald. Adler was a member of the board of trustees of Temple Beth Ahm in Springfield, New Jersey, where memorial services were held for him. He was married to his wife. Alice, for 15 years and had a 12-year old daughter. His daughter wrote in a February 22, 2002 message on an Internet memorial site, “Daddy I love you!” (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... asp?ID=374 )
Joshua Aron, 29, was an equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. Joshua’s father, Barry Aron, says, “Not a minute goes by in a day that I don't think about Josh. … It's like part of you being ripped out and you can't replace it.” Barry talks to his son’s widow, Rachel daily. Aron and Rachel would have celebrated their first wedding anniversary on September 16, 2001. Memorial services were held at the Oceanside Jewish centre in Oceanside, New York. (http://www.gazette.net/200236/montgomer ... 688-1.html )
Michael Edward Asher, 53, was vice president and senior technology architect at Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, 2001, he talked with his son Jeremy, 18, about rebuilding an old Jaguar automobile. Asher was also survived by his wife Dana and a daughter, Rachel, 16. A memorial service was held for him at the Monroe Temple of Liberal Judaism in Monroe, New York. (http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... nID=122588 )
Debbie S. Bellows, 30, was an executive assistant at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was survived by her husband Sean, who wrote, “Debbie meant the world to me. ... My heart will always be filled with the love and beauty that filled her soul.” A memorial service was held for Ms. Bellows at the Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, New York. (http://www.wallofamericans.com/php_file ... nfo&id=743 )
Alvin Bergsohn, 48, was an equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. From a picture posted on the Internet, it appears that he was survived by a wife and two sons. A service was held for him at the South Baldwin Jewish centre in Baldwin Harbor, New York. (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... asp?ID=518 )
Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42, was vice president of Fiduciary Trust International. Susan Townsend, who interviewed for a job at Biegeleisen’s company, described him “a genuinely kind and gentle soul, a man of true integrity.” A friend, Joseph Weinberger, said he was “a person with a golden heart, loved everybody, always with a smile.” Another described him as “a perfect mix of God-fearing, friendly, and fun.” Tony Skutnik said he was “a kind and gentle man, generous and forgiving almost to a fault.” He was survived by a wife and five children. (http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... uestPage=2 )
Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, was an assistant bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. His best friend, Leehe Matalon, wrote, “Josh’s smile always managed to light up the faces of those he surrounded himself with. He had a special charm ….” He was survived by his parents, Sam and Marcel, and a sister, Jill. A memorial service was held for him at the Sephardic Congregation of Long Beach in Long Beach, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1025 )
Kevin Sanford Cohen, 28, was a computer support person for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his parents, Barry and Marcia, and a brother Neil. His mother said that when she had asked him why he didn’t slow down, he replied, “Mom, I believe in living life to the fullest.” A memorial service was held for him at Neve Shalom in Metuchen, New Jersey. (http://www.nj.com/september11/lr/index. ... 166152.xml )
Michael Allen Davidson, 27, was an equity options trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. A co-worker named Jay wrote, “He could have been the nicest, most sensitive person I have ever met. Everyone loves him.” He was engaged to be married the following July to Dominique DeNardo. Davidson was survived by his mother Ellen. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1845 )
Peter Feidelberg, 34, worked for Aon corporation. Feidelberg was from Montreal, Canada, and worked at Aon with his wife, Meredith Ewart, whom he had married in March 2000. According to the Canadian Jewish News, Feidelberg attended Jewish Peoples School, ran in the 1998 New York Marathon, enjoyed rugby, mountain biking, skiing and scuba diving, and had backpacked through Europe, Costa Rica, Turkey and other countries. (http://www.cjnews.com/pastissues/01/sept27-01/main. )asp
Steven Mark Fogel, 40, was vice president and assistant general counsel for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Kori, a son and a daughter. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Emanuel in Westfield, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=705 )
Morton H. Frank, 31, was an insurance equities broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. In college, he was a member of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. A childhood friend said he had “a fun-loving spirit and a wonderful heart.” He had married his wife Jessica 14 months before 9/11. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1747 )
Arlene Eva Fried, 49, was vice president and assistant general counsel at Cantor Fitzgerald. She met her future husband Ken when she was 15 and he was 17. When the youngest of their three daughters entered kindergarten, Arlene went back to school to study law. Her parents, Nicholas and Ronnie Joseph, were both survivors of Nazi concentration camps; her mother had been at Auschwitz. They wrote, in a October 13, 2003 internet tribute, “As Arlene Joseph Fried’s parents, the loss is indescribable; a daughter with indescribable warmth and love toward her whole family and friends – losing her left an unhealable wound in our hearts.” A memorial service was held for her at Temple Beth Shalom in Roslyn, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1499 )
Douglas B. Gardner, 39, was a vice chairman at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife, Jennifer, and two children. Memorial services were held at the Stephen Weiss Free Synagogue in New York City. (http://www.espeed.com/articles/article09202001.htm )
Steven Paul Geller, 52, was an institutional trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. Geller loved to cook with his daughter, Hali, 12. He was also survived by his wife, Debra. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2549 )
Marina Romanova Gertsberg, 25, was one of 16 Russian-speaking Jews who perished in the 9/11 attacks, according to World Congress of Russian Jewry. Her family had emigrated from Odessa, Ukraine to the United States when Marina was four so that her father would not have to serve with Soviet forces in Afghanistan. She joined Cantor Fitzgerald as a junior manager one week before September 11. A memorial service for her was held at the Manhattan Beach Jewish centre in Brooklyn, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=712 )
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam, 48, was senior vice president and chief financial officer at Cantor Fitzgerald. Goldflam was survived by his wife Risa and two children. He was a track and soccer star in high school. Robert Kayton, a college acquaintance, remembered Mr. Goldflam as “easygoing, friendly, and helpful.” A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth Tohar in Melville, New York. (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... sp?ID=1213 )
Michelle Herman Goldstein, 31, worked as a broker for Aon Risk Services insurance company. She had married her busband, Edward Goldstein, exactly seven months before 9/11. After the first plane struck the North tower of the World Trade centre, she called her mother, a Hebrew teacher at the Tamarac Jewish centre in Florida, from the 96th floor of the South tower to reassure her that she was all right. Her mother described her as “full of life. She lights up a room when she smiles.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=715 )
Monica Goldstein, 25, was an accounts specialist at Cantor Fitzgerald. She spent long hours at her older sister’s house, caring for her two young nephews and visiting with her sister. Her father said, “Her smile and her laugh were infectious. … The loss has totally changed our lives. We’ll never be the same anymore. … She was a very, very special person.” Ms. Goldstein was engaged to be married in September 2002. A memorial service was held for her at the Congregation B’nai Israel in Bay Terrace, New York. (http://www.silive.com/september11/lr/in ... stein.html )
Steven Goldstein, 35, had started work for Cantor Fitzgerald two weeks before September 11. Working in his basement, he had started and developed an online trading system, which he sold to Cantor Fitzgerald. His wife said his motivation was to make a lot of money and retire so he could spend time with his family. She said he loved nothing more than spending time with his one-year old son Harris and three-year old daughter Hanna. Goldstein had been a member of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi when at the University of Michigan. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1882 )
Marcia Hoffman, 52, was vice president and senior technical architect at Cantor Fitzgerald. A former child-welfare worker, she switched to a career in computers. She was survived by her husband, Jim, and her daughter, Lara. A memorial service was held for her at the Kane Street Synagogue in New York City. (http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... nId=111441 )
Aaron Horwitz, 24, was a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was described as a showman who loved entertaining people, someone who “seized souls, not letting go until he made them merry.” A memorial service was held for him at the Brotherhood Synagogue in New York City. (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/ ... i_82757180 )
Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, was a senior programming analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald. Ilkanayev was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, in the former Soviet Union. He was one 16 Russian-speaking Jews who perished in the 9/11 attacks, according to World Congress of Russian Jewry. (http://www.wcrj.org/newsletters/wcrj-eng.pdf )
Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, had just started working as an assistant bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, 2001, she had told her mother she was applying to Columbia University’s School of Social Work because “there is more to life than making money.” A crowd of 1,000 to 1,500 attended her memorial service at the Jewish centre in Oyster Bay, New York. She had volunteered a community soup kitchen and a thrift shop for cancer patients. (http://www.antonnews.com/oysterbayenter ... 9/28/news/ )
Aaron Jacobs, 27, was a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was making plans for a honeymoon, perhaps to Africa, with his bride-to-be, Jeannine McAteer. He had backpacked through Europe, taught English in Mexico, and climbed a volcano in Greece. His dream was to retire at an early age and travel. He also taught job skills to welfare recipients. A memorial service for him was held at Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts. http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... onId=94810
Steven A. Jacobson, 53, was a transmission engineer working on the 110th floor of World Trade centre’s north tower. His job was to keep the WPIX television station on the air, no matter what happened. After working the night shift at the television station, he opened the Town and Village synagogue where he worshipped. Jacobson was survived by his wife, Deborah, and two daughters, Rachel and Miriam. Family was the most important thing to him; he called his mother every day. Colleagues say he called them on September 11, saying his room was filling with smoke but it was too hot to leave even though he was having trouble breathing. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1731 )
Shari Ann Kandell, 27, was a support staffer at Cantor Fitzgerald. She loved the theater and was studying for a degree in English in the evenings. Her father said, “the overwhelming and outstanding quality that Shari showed all her life was her total selflessness.” Many at her memorial service at Temple Beth Rishon in Wyckoff, New Jersey spoke of her giving priority to the needs of others. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1757 )
Andrew Keith Kates, 37, was a senior managing director of Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Emily Terry, two daughters, Hannah, 5, and Lucy, 3, and a son, Henry, 1. His wife said that although Kates was a serious bike rider, swimmer, and runner, having run the New York Marathon in three hours and 15 minutes, his family came first. Every Saturday morning, the children would crowd into bed with Kates and his wife. A memorial service for him was held at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1200 )
Peter Rodney Kellerman, 35, was a vice president and equities trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Robi. Kellerman had a doctor’s appointment on the morning of September 11, but came to work when the appointment was rescheduled. Friend Jon Bott wrote how he misses Kellerman’s “infectious humor, your wonderful wit and how comfortable and easy you made people feel.” A memorial service was held for him at the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City. (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... sp?ID=3507 )
Howard Kestenbaum, 56, was an executive vice president at Aon Corporation. His 24-year old daughter Lauren saw the first plane hit the World Trade centre. Kestenbaum, who was in the second tower hit, had evacuated his office on the 103rd floor and was at the 78th floor when his tower was struck. Witnesses say he was knocked unconscious by flying debris. Kestenbaum was always joking and made others laugh. He was an active member of Congregation Beth Ann in Verona, New Jersey, visited the sick and old, and volunteered at a homeless shelter. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1914 )
Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, had worked for Cantor Fitzgerald for 13 years. Friends and family say she was an extremely loyal, outgoing person who wrote poetry and enjoyed traveling. Her boyfriend, Thierry LeBras, said she had a special talent of listening to people she had just met, getting them to open up about their lives. A memorial service was held for her at Temple Emanu-El in New York City. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=751 )
Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, was a senior vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was also an avid cyclist, runner, golfer, and skier, who would go on 80-kilometer bicycle rides. His wife, Joan, says he always found time to play with his sons, Miles, 10, and Troy, 7, even after long workdays. A memorial service was held for him at Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1760 )
Alan Kleinberg, 39, was just days away from transferring to a different Cantor Firzgerald office on September 11. He was survived by his wife, Mindy, a 3-year-old son, Sam, a 7-year-old daughter, Lauren, and a 9-year-old son, Jacob. His mother said Kleinberg limited his outside interests so he could spend more time with his family. A memorial service was held for him at the Jewish centre in East Brunswick, New Jersey. (http://www.nj.com/september11/lr/index. ... 166150.xml )
Karen Joyce Klitzman, 38, worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. She and her twin sister Donna spoke with each other every day on the phone. Karen had taught English for two years in Macao and Beijing, China, and traveled in Siberia and throughout the Middle East. A memorial service was held for her at Stephen Weiss Free Synagogue in New York City. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=299 )
Nicholas Craig Lassman, 28, was a computer technician for Cantor Fitzgerald. Lassman studied computers after several years of teaching golf in Florida. He also taught himself how to play the guitar and learned Russian and German so he could read books in those languages. He spoke to his parents, Ira and Laura Lassman, almost every day. A memorial service for Lassman was held at Temple Beth-El in Cloister, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2558 )
Alan Lederman, 43, started work for Aon Corporation two months before September 11. Just before reporting to work, he climbed Mount Whitney, the tallest mountain in the continental United States. Most of his co-workers left the World Trade centre’s south tower, where he worked, but Lederman stopped to help two women who were paralyzed by panic. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Neve Shalom in Metuchen, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1294 )
Neil D. Levin, 46, was Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs New York’s three major airports, its port facilities, six bridges and tunnels, and is landlord of the World Trade centre complex. Levin was at a breakfast meeting at the Windows on the World restaurant atop the north tower when it was hit on September 11. Levin’s wife, Christine Ferer, called him “the love of my life, the most kind and generous person,” and someone who became a “super-Dad” to Ms. Ferer’s two daughters from a previous marriage. A memorial service for Levin was held at the Temple Emanu-El in New York City. His family set up a scholarship fund in his name for children of Port Authority employees killed on September 11. (http://www.legacy.com/nytimes/Sept11.as ... onId=96336 )
Steven Barry Lillianthal, 38, was a mortgage bond broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Adina, 4-year old twins, Emma and Gabriel, and a three-month old son, Sam. A memorial service was held for Lillianthal at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey. (http://alumni.binghamton.edu/enews/sept/info/ )
Stuart T. Meltzer, 32, was an energy broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He had two young sons; the eldest, Jacob, was four years old when he died. His brother, Larry, said he talked with Stuart at least five days a day, often discussing sports. A memorial service for Meltzer was held at Temple Emeth in Brookline, Massachusetts. (http://www.wesley.edu/athletic/football/2002/Premium percent20Archive.htm)
Nancy Morgenstern, 32, was an administrative assistant at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was an Orthodox Jew whose passions were cycling and skiing. She would bring kosher food and the pots and pans needed to stay kosher on cycling racing trips. In a website dedicated to her memory, her mother wrote, “Nancy, I miss you more than mere words can express. Not only were you my daughter, but you were also my best friend.” A co-worker described Nancy as “one of the most thoughtful, disciplined, funny, crazy, independent women I ever knew.” Fifty-eight friends wrote tributes to her on her memorial website. (http://nancymorgensternmemorial.org/ )
Laurence M. Polatsch, 32, was a partner in equities sales at Cantor Fitzgerald. A prankster, Polatsch donned a tuxedo and crashed the 2000 wedding of celebrities Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. He ate with actor Jack Nicholson before security guards asked him to leave. Polatsch’s mother said he once flew back from college to present her with flowers on her birthday. Recently, Polatsch had resumed a relationship with childhood sweetheart Marni Wasserman, and they were expected to marry. Guttermann Funeral Home in Woodbury, New York confirmed that Polatsch was Jewish. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1379 )
Faina Rapaport, 45, was a computer programmer working as a consultant to March & McLennan. In 1994, she and her family emigrated from Moscow, Russia to New York. At the time of her death, her son Alex was 25 and her daughter, Elena, 19. Elena said, “I know my mother is still happy about coming to America. She accomplished things that she never would have been able to do in Russia.” (http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... nId=117357 )
Joshua Reiss, 23, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. An enterprising young man, Joshua began delivering newspapers at age 10, worked in the family business before attending college, and worked full-time as a waiter while also being a full-time student with a double major at college. More than 1500 people attended his memorial service at Adath Israel Synagogue in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. On August 27, 2002, his mother wrote on the internet, “We miss you and still want you to come home. I will always have a void in my soul.” (http://www.nj.com/september11/lr/index. ... 166137.xml )
Brooke David Rosenbaum, 31, was supervisor in the overseas division of Cantor Fitzgerald. He was sick on September 10, but went to work the next day because, according to a friend, he felt that without him, “the whole place would fall apart.” He was survived by his mother, Dorothy. A memorial service was held for him at the Jewish centre in Rego Park, New York. (http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0138/names.php )
Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum, 33, was an accountant and partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. Her father described her as the “glue” of their family. She was survived by her husband, Mark, and two children, aged 3 months and 17 months. A memorial service was held for her at Temple Har Shalom in Warren, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1791 )
Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg, 31, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Glenna and three daughters, Samantha, 5, Kaylee, 3, and Alyssa, 1. His wife said that “Lloyd’s passion was being a ‘daddy.’ His girls were his pride and joy. I will forever miss the Saturday mornings when I would sneak downstairs and watch him reading them a book or playing ‘horsie.’” A memorial service was held for him at Temple Shalom in Aberdeen, New Jersey. (http://www.wallofamericans.com/php_file ... fo&id=2024 )
Mark Louis Rosenberg, 26, was a computer programmer for Marsh & McLennan. He attended Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy in New York and Yeshiva University for a short time. Rosenberg met his wife, Jennifer, at a Jewish youth event. She said, “He was a great people person. He got along with everybody. He had a great smile and a great sense of humor.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=3332 )
Andrew Ira Rosenblum, 45, was a broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He married his wife, Jill, at Temple Hillel in North Woodmere, New Jersey, and their sons Jordan and Kyle were 14 and 11, respectively, when their father died. Rosenblum’s friend, Steve Cohen, said, “Andy was the kind of guy that had many circles of friends and many dear friends within each circle.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=3063 )
Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28, was an assistant trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was only four days away from marrying colleague Gina Hawryluk on September 11. Ms. Hawryluk stayed home from work that day to plan their wedding. Rosenblum and co-workers smashed out windows with computers on the 104th floor to let smoke escape. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth El in Cedarhurst, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1793 )
Joshua Rosenthal, 44, was a senior vice president at Fiduciary Trust. He was an avid reader, mountain hiker, and sailor. A friend described Rosenthal as “a wonderfully warm and witty person who was loved and admired by those who knew him.” A memorial service was held for him at Birmingham Temple in Farmington Hills, Michigan. (http://www.fordschool.umich.edu/alumni/ ... nthal.html )
Richard Rosenthal, 50, was vice president of finance at Cantor Fitzgerald. Rosenthal was treasurer of the Jewish centre in Fair Lawn, New Jersey and also treasurer of the Dysautonomia Foundation. His son Evan, 18 years old when Rosenthal died, suffers from dysautonomia, a disorder of the nervous system that confines him to a wheelchair. Evan has needed a feeding tube to eat since he was 2. Friends say Rosenthal “was always with [Evan].” His younger son Seth, 15 years old when Rosenthal died, said, following September 11, “I’m going to keep calling him on the cell phone until he answers.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1994 )
Michael Craig Rothberg, 39, was a managing director for Cantor Fitzgerald. Rothberg was an avid skier, boater, and jogger. Described as “modest and unassuming” and extremely loyal to his co-workers, Rothberg raised money for multiple sclerosis in a bike-a-thon and for a friend who had cancer. A memorial service was held for him at the Temple Sholom in Greenwich, Connecticut. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1794 )
Ronald J. Ruben, 36, was a vice president of equity trading at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Ruben, who was unmarried, “was Uncle Ronnie to 100 kids,” said his sister, Leslie Dillon. When he received his first holiday bonus, he spent it all at a toy store, delivering gifts to children at a hospital near his home. Ruben’s father, Peter, died of cancer in 1998 and his mother, Marjorie, died in 1996, also from cancer. To honor them, Ruben had their initials, M and P, tattooed over his heart. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Israel in Ridgewood, New Jersey. (http://www.nj.com/september11/lr/index. ... 661125.xml )
Jason Elazar Sabbag, 26, was a portfolio manager at Fiduciary Trust. He was engaged to be married to Sarah Hare when he died. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Sholom in Greenwich, Connecticut, at which friends recalled his “warm demeanor, his playful sense of humor, his extraordinary talent in sports, academics, and business, and, most of all, his love for his family and very large circle of friends.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2103 )
Eric Sand, 36, was an equity trader at cantor Fitzgerald. Sand, a talented musician who had once pursued a career in music, had more recently played guitar for a special audience – his young son, Aaron, who was 18 months old when Sand died. Sand’s wife, Michelle, said he would rush home from work to spend as much time as possible with his son. A memorial service was held for Sand at Congregation B’nai Yisrael in Armonk, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1224 )
Scott Schertzer, 28, worked in the human resources department of Cantor Fitzgerald. On September 10, he felt terrible because he had to give layoff notices to a number of co-workers, but this saved their lives. Schertzer was an excellent soccer and baseball player who could bench press 102 kilograms, even though he weighed only 70 kilograms. A memorial service was held for him at Congregation B’nai Ahavath Shalom in Union, New Jersey. On December 5, 2001, his mother, father and sister posted this note on an internet memorial site: “We can never say ‘Good-bye.’ You will always be with us. We love you and will always love you.” (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2002 )
Ian Schneider, 45, was a senior managing director for Cantor Fitzgerald. His lifelong friend Howie Kessler said, “This guy loved life. No one danced harder at a party or shouted louder at a ball game.” His wife Cheryl said that when he arrived home, his three children Rachel, 11, Jake, 9, and Sophie, 7, fought for the right to jump first into his arms. Almost 2000 people attended Schneider’s memorial service at Temple Sharey Teflio-Israel in South Orange, New Jersey. Many were families of the children he coached on soccer, softball, and baseball teams, a chore he undertook so he could spend more time with his children. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1798 )
John Burkhart Schwartz, 40, was a bond broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Emanu-El in New York City. (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... sp?ID=2426 )
Jason Sekzer, 31, was a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. His father, Will Sekzer, who is active in a fraternal society of Jewish New York policemen, described his son as “handsome, smart, humble, and polite.” Mr. Sekzer had married Nastasha Makshanov eight months before he died. On September 10, the photographer called to say that their album of wedding photographs was ready. A memorial service was held for him at East Midwood Jewish centre in Brooklyn, New York. (http://www.thejewishweek.com/bottom/spe ... ?artid=365 )
Hagay Shefi, 34, was the co-founder and chief executive of GoldTier Technologies, a software company. Shefi had lived in the United States for eight years, after emigrating from Israel, and was close to becoming a U.S. citizen. He was in the Windows on the World restaurant atop the World Trade centre to make a business presentation when it was struck. On September 16, 2001, his body was found intact in the rubble. He was survived by his wife Sigal, also from Israel, a five-year old son and a three-year old daughter. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=992 )
Mark Shulman, 47, was a disaster inspector, fire prevention and risk consultant for March & McLennan. He was survived by his wife, Lori, and daughters Melissa, 17, and Jamie, 12. “His family always came first,” his mother Evelyn said. “He did everything for his family. I lost a treasure.” A memorial service was held for Shulman at Temple Shaari Emeth in Manalapan, New Jersey. (http://www.nj.com/september11/lr/index. ... 661223.xml )
Allan Abraham Shwartzstein, 37, was a managing director and partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. “He was about the most considerate person I knew,” longtime friend Mark Madoff said. One thousand people attended the memorial service for him at Temple Beth El in Chappaqua, New York. He was survived by his wife, Amy, a five-year old daughter, Jessica, and a four-year old son, Matthew. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2642 )
Arthur Simon, 57, was a vice president and equities trader at Fred Alger Management company. He and his son, Kenneth Alan Simon, both died in the World Trade centre. The elder Simon worked on the 93rd floor; the younger on the 104th. One of Simon’s greatest loves was dancing. He was survived by his wife, Susan, a son, Todd, and two daughters, Mandy and Jennifer. A memorial service was held for him and his son at Temple Beth El in Spring Valley, New Jersey. (http://www.thejournalnews.com/9-11/07wtc04.htm )
Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, was an equities trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. He and his wife, Karen, had adopted a daughter, Maya, who was 10 months old when he died. “You should have seen his face when he looked into her big brown eyes for the first time,” his wife said. “He just melted.” The Simons had plans to adopt more children. Simon called his wife after the plane hit to say that he was going to look for his father, Arthur Simon, who worked 11 stories below him. A memorial service was held for both father and son at Temple Beth El in Spring Valley, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=1800 )
William E. Spitz, 49, was a government bonds broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He had a degree in elementary education. A memorial service was held for him at Oceanside Jewish centre in Oceanside, New Jersey. (http://www.september11victims.com/septe ... sp?ID=2530 )
Eric A. Stahlman, 43, was a broker for Cantor Fitzgerald. He joined the company about 10 weeks before September 11. He was survived by his wife, Blanca, who is from Ecuador, a seven-year old daughter, Allison, and a four-year old son, Jacob. Long friendships and close family ties were the things he cherished most, family members said. A memorial service was held for him at Temple Beth El in Papchoque, New York. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2017 )
Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, was a vice president in equities sales for Cantor Fitzgerald. Steinman had attended the wedding in Italy of lifelong friend Richard Diamond on the weekend before September 11. He then rushed home to get back to work, which he loved. “Alex had an incredible sense of humor and he got as much out of life as anybody possibly could,” Diamond said. He said Steinman had been “the life of the party” at his wedding in Italy. A memorial service was held for Steinman at Temple Israel in Staten Island, New York. (http://www.wallofamericans.com/php_file ... fo&id=1510 )
Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47, was a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Lorie, and two children, Matthew and Sarah. His wife says Van Auken was her “rock,” the loving spirit in her life, and someone who was always willing to interrupt what he was doing to have some fun with his children. He was also a skilled carpenter, building a deck, bookcases, and other projects around his home. A memorial service was held for him at Temple B’nai Shalom in East Brunswick, New Jersey. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=794 )
Steven Jay Weinberg, 41, was an accounting manager for Baseline Financial Services. He was survived by his wife Laurie and three children, Lindsay, 12, Samuel, 8, and Jason, 6. He went to all his children’s sports events and volunteered at the Parents-Teachers Association. A memorial service for Weinberg was held at the Nanuet Hebrew centre. (http://www.wallofamericans.com/php_file ... fo&id=1654 )
Simon Weiser, 65, was a power-distribution engineer for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A Jew born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1936, he arrived in New York in 1978. He was survived by his wife, a son, and three ganndchildren. He was planning to retire in 2002. (http://www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/2003/020331.shtml )
David Thomas Weiss, 50, was vice president and deputy general counsel for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife Marcia and daughter Gina. He was described as a “very private man with a kind, sweet and generous heart and … above all else … limitless devotion to this family.” A memorial service was held for him at the Brotherhood Synagogue in New York City. http://www.legacy.com/LegacyTribute/Sep ... onId=95451
Michael Wittenstein, 34, was a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald. He was scheduled to marry his fiancée, Carrie Bernstein, on October 20, 2001. His uncle, Mark Hershkowitz, said he had thought many times after the first World Trade centre bombing in 1993 about buying Michael a parachute, and wishes he had. “Michael was one of those people who always had a smile, always seemed happy at whatever he was doing,” relative Warren Treuhaft wrote. As in the Jewish tradition, Wittenstein was buried with some of his possessions. (http://www.legacy.com/NYTimes/Sept11.as ... uestPage=4 )
Marc Scott Zeplin, 33, was an equities trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. He was survived by his wife, Debra, and two sons, Ryan, 3, and Ethan, 10 months old. Zeplin once dreamed of becoming a professional sportscaster, having broadcast hockey games at the University of Michigan. His friends formed the Marc S. Zeplin Foundation, which helps children who lost a parent or loved one on September 11. A memorial service for Zeplin was held at the Jewish Community centre in Harrisson, New York. (http://marczeplin.com/about.html )
Charles A. Zion, 54, was a senior vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald. Zion was survived by his wife, Carole, and his 16-year old son, Zachary. “He was a great guy and a great husband,” his wife said. A memorial service for Zion, who was the son of a rabbi, was held at the Greenwich Reformed Synagogue in Greenwich, Connecticut. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victims ... fm?id=2107 )
Andrew Steven Zucker, 27, was a lawyer with Harris Beach LLP, which had offices in the World Trade centre’s south tower, which was the second one hit. Zucker, a former volunteer fireman, stayed around the 78th floor, where the second plane hit, to help others evacuate. He was survived by his wife Erica, who was pregnant with their first child when he died. Zucker was a member of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. (http://cf1.newsday.infi.net/911/victimsearch.cfm?id=859 )
Igor Zukelman, 29, worked with computers at Fiduciary Trust Company, on the 97th floor of the north tower, which was hit first. Zukelman was an immigrant from the Ukraine, arriving in the United States in 1992, and was survived by his three-year old son. According to the World Congress of Russian Jewry, Zukleman was one of 16 Russian-speaking Jews killed in the September 11 attacks. (http://www.tedmag.com/default.asp?pagenumber=180 )
Read more: http://www.america.gov/st/pubs-english/ ... z1NtVMGFZr '
- Why did you make your original statements?
- Did you check any facts before making your statements?
- What have you to say to the relatives of the Jewish victims of the 9/11 terrorists who killed indiscriminately?
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat